Orange County NC Website
~-~-~c~+~1~rn~.vt.-~. -~-- - l <br />Ol~l®TGE C®ITl~TTY 2007 LEGISLATIVE G®A,I~S <br />,S'UL7',S" S~T1V~19~.AI~I' <br />(Results as provided by appr•vpr'iate County staff ar•e noted as <br />"AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE" irz bold italic below each r'tern.) <br />LEGISLATIVE ISSUES <br />TOI' PRIORITIES <br />Medicaid Relief - Seelc pei7nanent Medicaid relief for cotulties to cover the full <br />cost of Medicaid expenses to be paid by state government. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE - Drlr'irzg the 2007 session of the General <br />Asserzzbly, legislators approved a three year plan fvllereby the State will assrlrrte <br />corlrzty Medicaid expenses. As the State assrsrzzes t/zese ~vperzses, it will, irr tur•rz, <br />talre aver a portion of the local optivrr sales tax r'everzues. <br />Fur'tller• sta ff' explarzatiorl arzd Board discussion ar•e scliedzlled for' the August <br />30, 2007 Board ivor•Ic session. <br />School Construction -Support legislation to provide state assistance to local <br />goverrunents to meet school constriction needs caused by increased enrollment <br />and mandated reductions in class size through a statewide referendum on a bond <br />issue and/or through authority for cotmties to raise additional revenues to meet <br />school facility needs. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE - While Legislator's did trot approve cr. statewide <br />school construction bvrzd rflrriug the most r'ecerzt legislati~~e session., the General <br />Assembly did grant collrlties the choice, slrbject t0 voter approval, of err.actirag a <br />.4`% land tt'arrsfer tax or arz additional % cent sales tax. Use of the rzew <br />r•everzlces rlre riot r•estr•icted. <br />I'urtlzer staff' explanation and Board disclrssiorl are scheduled foa• the Alrgust <br />30, 2007 BOllr'rl worlf SG'S5i0)l. <br />Revenue Options for Local Government -Support legislation that authorizes a variety <br />of revenue options for local govermnents to fund local government services. An <br />overarching principle is that aazy local government revenue source that is presently <br />