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The North Caiolina League of Municipalities Page 5 of 16 <br />double-liner requirement for municipal solid waste landftlls. <br />Stormwater-A provision of the budget bill, HB 1473 (SL 2007-323), states new requirements for paved <br />parking areas. Section 6.22 provides that any area designed for use as a vehicle parking area, except for <br />covered or multilevel vehicle parking areas, cannot exceed 80% built-upon area. The remaining portiori of <br />the vehicle parking area must meet design requirements for a permeable pavement system under DENR <br />guidance documents, or other design requirements for Stormwater management approved by DENR such <br />as the use of grass or bioretention ponds. It directs the Environmental Review Commission to study issues <br />related to the use of pervious surfaces for vehicle panting areas. It is effective as to any area designed to <br />be used for vehicular parking for which an application for a building permit, a request for a zoning <br />reclassification, or a subdivision plat is filed in the county or city in which the area is located on or after <br />October 1, 2008. <br />Wastewater Fees-Section 30.3(a) of the budget bill, HB I473 (SL 2007-323), increased state fees for <br />NPDES permits, water quality certifications, sewer system extensions, and other wastewater permits by <br />20%. The increases were effective August 1, 2007. <br />Finance & Taxation <br />Several pieces of legislation of importance to local government in the area of Finance and Taxation were <br />acted upon this session. <br />911 Charges-The system for charging telephone customers for 911 services was overhauled this <br />session. Currently, wireless enhanced 911 is administered by the state Wireless 911 Board and wireline <br />enhanced 911 is administered by local governments for their jurisdictions. Effective January 1, 2008, HB <br />1755 -Coordinate Statewide Err/ranted 911 System (SL 2007-383) consolidates the administration of 911 <br />charges under a single state 911 Board. It standardizes all e-911 monthly service charges--both wireline <br />and wireless--at 70 cents, or a lower amount set by the 911 Board. Charges will apply to each active voice <br />communications service connection capable of accessing the 911 system, including VoIP. Proceeds are to <br />be placed in a new 911 Fund, to be allocated for monthly distributions to primary public safety answering <br />points (PSAPs), for PSAP grants, and for reimbursement of commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) <br />providers. The bill holds each PSAP harmless as to a-911 revenues at FY 2006-07 levels. Distribution to <br />PSAPs is calculated as a base amount (the amount the PSAP received in FY 2006-07) plus a per capita <br />amount. Use of these funds is expanded to include in-state training of 911 personnel. Any wireline fund <br />balance that exists prior to the bill's effective date is transferred. to the local government's general fund, to <br />be used for any lawful purpose. The bill expressly notes that revenues in the 911 Fund are not state <br />expenditures under the state constitution and may not be withheld or reduced by the Governor. <br />Cable/PEG Channels-Section 28 of SB 540 - Rever:ae Laws Tec/tr:ical Cl:mrges resolves a problem <br />under the current video programming statute (G.S. 105-164.44I) of local governments not having a <br />mechanism to correct errors in their March 15, 2007 certification of cable television revenues. Such <br />corrections are most likely to come to light through audits that could not be completed by the due date for <br />submitting the information. Under SB 540, if a city or county determines that the amount of cable <br />franchise tax it imposed during the first six months of FY 2006-07 differs from the amount certified to the <br />Secretary of Revenue, the city or county may submit a new certification revising the amount. Revised <br />certifications must be submitted on or before April 1, 2008 to adjust the local government's base amount. <br />Since the future distributions of video programming revenues to cities and counties are initially based on <br />these certified amounts, ensuring that they are accurate means a fairer allocation of funds to all. SB 1068 - <br />E-NC Iirteruet Corzr:ectivity/PEG Chaenel passed the Senate and was in the House Appropriations <br />Committee at the end of the session. The current version of the bill removes the sunset on the e-NC <br />Authority and increases the distribution to local governments of the sales tax on telecommunications and <br />video programming services for PEG channel support. The League will continue to support the bill in the <br />short session. <br />Economic Development-It was a relatively quiet session for economic development. The budget bill, <br />HB 1473 (SL 2007-323), appropriates $45 million in community development block grants for housing, <br />economic development, and community revitalization. The budget also establishes the NC Green <br />Business Fund in the Department of Commerce to make grants to local governments, state agencies, <br />nonprofits, and small businesses to encourage the expansion of small to medium size businesses to help <br />grow a green economy in the state. The fund is to focus on the biofuels industry, the green building <br />industry, and environmentally conscious clean technology and renewable energy products. <br />Some of the other legislation that was ratified included HB 1595-Ecor:oaric Development <br />Modifications to correct some errors in how Urban Progress Zones are drawn, malting the designation of <br />zones more consistent with local zoning for non-residential tracts. It also requires local economic <br /> 8/28/2007 <br />