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The North Carolina League of M>ruzicipalities <br />Alcoholic Beverage Control <br />Page 3 of 16 <br />Modifications were made to several statutes relating to alcoholic beverages. HB 267-ABCLarv <br />Changes (SL 2007-402) allows the ABC Commission. to issue off-premises malt beverage and unfortified <br />wine permits to establishments located in any incorporated municipality that has voted to permit the sale of <br />mixed beverages. The ABC election law was amended in SB GGI -ABCElection -Cities in Two <br />Counties (SL 2007-386) to allow a city located in two or more counties to hold a mixed beverage election <br />if the city has at least 500 voters and a municipality in either county in which the city is located operates <br />an ABC store. <br />Annexation <br />More than two dozen bills were introduced to restrict, modify or eliminate authority for city-initiated <br />annexations. A few were local bills requiring referenda or prohibiting cross-county annexations in specific <br />counties; most were statewide bills requiring referenda with a favorable vote by residents proposed for <br />annexation or changing the service requirements or development criteria: HB 32, HB 5G, HB G0, HB 8G, <br />HB87,HB104,HB243,HB315,HB378,HB379,HB457,HB549,HB741,HB921,HB1495,HB <br />I GOB, HB 1893, HB 1958, SB 214, SB 255, SB 479, SB 571, SB 572, SB. 647, SB 650. <br />In June, a subcommittee of House Rules held a hearing on one of the bills, HB 8G - Strrdy Mrzr:icipal <br />Azzrzexatiorz. More than 200 showed up for the late afternoon hearing, with annexation opponents citing <br />violations in the current law and asking legislators to limit or end city-initiated annexations. <br />The General Assembly did not enact the annexation study, nor any of the other annexation-related bills. <br />As far as the League staff can determine, these bills are not eligible for consideration in the 2008 session. <br />However, annexation remains a volatile and divisive issue that we will see again. We urge you to continue <br />discussions with your legislators and others regarding the importance of annexation to your city or town. <br />Elections <br />A number of bills affecting election laws were considered by the General Assembly. HB 1743 -Election <br />Auzenduzents (SL 2007-391) is an omnibus bill that makes numerous changes to the election laws. <br />Among those is a new provision requiring that the results of all municipal elections be reported to the State <br />Board of Elections within 30 days of the certification of the election. HB 1517 -Voter-Ozvrzed Electior:s <br />Pilot establishes a pilot program to provide certain candidates for council of state offices with the option of <br />financing their campaigns from a publicly supported fund. The act applies to elections for Auditor, <br />Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Commissioner of Insurance in 2008 and thereafter. Under HB <br />91-Registration and Voting at One-Stop Sites (SL 2007-253) an individual may now register in person <br />and then vote at a one-stop voting site in the person's county of residence during the period for one-stop <br />voting. SB 1218 -Candidate Felony Disclosure (SL 2007-369) requires a candidate (including a <br />candidate for municipal office) to file with the notice of candidacy a statement as to whether he or she has <br />ever been convicted of a felony. If so, the candidate must name the offense, the date of conviction, the <br />date of restoration of citizenship rights, and the county and state of conviction. A conviction need not be <br />disclosed if it was dismissed as a result of reversal on appeal or resulted in a pardon of innocence or <br />expungement. The disclosure is to be available as a public record in the office of the board of elections. <br />The act becomes effective January 1, 2008. <br />Environment <br />Grants-SB 1468 - Proszote Innovative Water Protecfiorz Efforts allows the Clean Water Management <br />Trust Fund to finance innovative efforts, including pilot projects, to improve stormwater management, to <br />reduce pollutants entering the state's waterways, to improve water quality, and to research alternative <br />solutions to the state's water quality problems. HB 1370 - Clearz Water Gr•az:ts (SL 2007-185) specifies <br />that a Clean Water Management Trust Fund planning grant or technical assistance grant for a regional <br />wastewater collection system or regional wastewater treatment works is not subject to the high-unit-cost <br />threshold. <br />Interbasin Transfer-Legislation to revise the state's approval process for the transfer of surface water <br />between river basins was ratified in the waning hours of the session. HB 820 - Auzeud bzterbasin <br />Trar:sfer Larvs began as a bill on an entirely different subject. Once it passed the House, the text was <br />replaced by the Senate with substantive provisions on interbasin transfer that had previously been <br />approved in Senate committee. The House refused to concur in the changes and a conference committee <br />worked out the final version. A number of muriicipalities had positions on the issue, both pro and con, and <br />the League's Board of Directors, acting on a recommendation from a League legislative action committee, <br />littp:// 8/28/2007 <br />