Orange County NC Website
Message Page 2 of 7 <br />The' budget appropriates $350 million of anticipated lottery proceeds to education, with 40% or $140 million set <br />aside for school construction (no change in allocation to school construction or formula for allocation to school <br />districts). A slight wording change in the lottery legislation allows additional monies to be provided in prizes, <br />thereby generating greater sales (Sec. 5.2). (The actual 2006-07 lottery proceeds for school construction totaled <br />$130 million.) <br />The budget makes permanent the °/4 state sales tax which was set to expire this fiscal year but sunsets the upper <br />income tax bracket as scheduled. To provide tax relief for the working poor, the budget authorizes a 3.5% <br />refundable earned income tax credit in the 2008 tax year. Additional tax credits are provided for long-term care <br />insurance, adoption, and a number of economic development tax adjustments. <br />In compiling the budget plan, the House and Senate contemplated eliminating state positions vacant 6 months or <br />more to free up recurring dollars through lapsed salaries. As adopted, the state's budget office must eliminate <br />enough vacant positions to save $10 million, excluding UNC, community college, and school positions from <br />consideration. Sec. 6.18 does require a study of the uses of lapsed salaries. <br />Teachers receive salary increases averaging five percent, with a step increase plus a flat $1,240, to bring their <br />salaries above the national average by 2008-09. New teachers paid at step 0 are eligible for. $250 bonus, an <br />additional step is added to the teacher salary schedule, and teacher assistants must be paid at salary grade 56. <br />School administrators receive ah average 4.44 percent increase. UNC and Community college faculty and <br />professional staff receive 5 percent. State employees see a 4 percent increase in their salaries. All told, state <br />salary enhancements consume $500 million in recurring expenses. <br />State retirees were bumped up to a 2.2 percent COLA, requiring a $35.7 million appropriation. No mention is <br />made to the local retiree's 2.2 percent increase, since this is an action of the board of trustees absent action by <br />the General Assembly. State employer contributions for employee and retiree health costs would cost $233 <br />million, including hefty co-payments and deductible increases. Employer contribution rates for retirement and <br />other benefits are set at 7.83 percent, while annual contributions for health coverage are $4,183 for indemnity and <br />$4,052 for ppo. The budget eliminates the state's health indemnity plan in 2008-09. <br />The General Assembly agrees to a capital appropriation of $231 million with an additional $436 million in COPS, <br />principally for prisons and university facilities. <br />The following highlights those budget items of interest to counties. <br />Education <br />Much of the new funding is targeted to education initiatives and increased enrollment in public schools, <br />community colleges and universities. <br />Additional moneys are provided for More at Four, the Governor's educational initiative, drop out prevention grants, <br />the House's educational initiative, and a focused education reform pilot program, the Senate's educational <br />initiative. The budget also contains greater public school allotment funding in the academically gifted and talented, <br />children with disabilities, instructional supplies, and small LEA allotments, with additional non-recurring funding for <br />low wealth. No additional funding is provided for school resource officers. <br />The governor's plans for Learn and Earn expansion moves forward with the budget providing $4,000 in college <br />tuition grants to eligible students. General funds for the scholarship program of $27.6 million in 2007-08 and $60 <br />million in 2008-09 is supplemented by $40 million from the Escheats Fund in 2008-09. <br />Sec. 7.16 in the special provisions sets forth six objectives by which the state board of education is to evaluate <br />charter schools and Sec. 7.31 creates the Joint Legislative Study Committee on Public School Funding Formulas. <br />Public Schools 2007-08 <br />• Fully fund enrollment increase of 26,265 additional students or 1.83 <br />ercent increase in enrollment Continuation <br />• Full fund ABC teacher bonuses at current incentive levels $70 million nr <br />• Maintain k at 18:1 teacher/student ratio; replaces lottery funds not <br />realized in 2006-07 $37.5 million nr <br />8/28/2007 <br />