Agenda - 08-30-2007-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2007
Agenda - 08-30-2007-4
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1VCDO.T allocates firrzrlin~; to seven regions, each rrzade zsp of t-vo NE'DOT High rvay <br />I~ivisioras, based on arz. "eyrrity"forrnulrc. The equity formula allocates fiends <br />accordingly: <br />® SO% of totaX, finads are allocated to each region based ors the percentage o f the <br />total State population that resides ira eraclz r•egiora; <br />® 25% of total fzrnds are allocated according to the rznrrzber of rrziles that 7xave not <br />lieera corrrpleted irz irztr•astate systerrz projects as a percentage of total intrastate <br />system (tlze intrastate system is a 3,600-mile road network that is being <br />"upgraded" to a rnrrlti-lrute raerivor•li); arzd <br />® 25% of total frsrzds rrre allocated per erlrurl share to each region. <br />Because of tlae regional fizradirag arzcC costs of projects, the allocations per division and <br />coznat~~ will vary frorrz year to year depertding ore wlaerz rrzrrjor projects are pr•ogranzmed <br />for each. 1VCT~OT atterrapts to even ozst the funding over tune; liotivever, that does not <br />tslivays prove successful.. <br />Ftuidin~ for Altenlative Modes of Transportation <br />Compared to highways, t17e funding for alternative modes of transportation is quite <br />restricted. If the legislature could provide additional funding for alternative modes of <br />transportation, including bicycle and pedestrian projects, transit projects, and park and <br />ride lots, it would help Orange County in its quest to enhance these alternative modes. A <br />more robust funding stream for alternative modes could be a long teen issue, but one we <br />would like to our legislators to pursue. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE - NC'D®T fur:ding corrzes,fr•onz three sources: tlae State <br />flightivay Frsnd, tlr.e State Hightivay Trust Furrd and .Federal Airl. For FY2008, <br />transportation firrzds are ~2% State Hig/r.way Fztrzds, 31 % State Higltraay Trrest Furr.ds <br />arzd 27% Federal Airl. Eacla of those furadirzg sozrr•ces•fir.rzd differ•err.t programs, so it <br />frill take legislation to change Iaofv each firrzding source is used. .Feder°al Aid firrzds <br />allocate 3% of total fiends to Congestion. Mitigation arzd Air ®ualitj~ projects arzd YO% <br />ofSrrrface Trarzspor•tation firrzds (Surface Transportation frsrzds are 30% gftotal <br />Federal Aid firrzds) to trarzspor•tatiorz errlr.rarzcenrerzts that fisrzd transit, bicycle grad <br />pedestrian programs, laradscrrpirzg grad direct attributable frsrading to rrzetropolitarz areas <br />/iavirzg 200,000 or greater poprrlatiort. T/ze ,~`tate Hig/away TrsrstFrsnrl, minus a <br />srrpplerrzent, for Secondary Road corzstr•zsctiorz and State (transpor•tatiorz)Rid to <br />Municipalities, cars be used only for urban loops and tlae Intrastate Program. The <br />Higlzrvay Frsrzd is zsserl for rrzain.teraarrce of'tlze road rtetworlc grad for capital arzd <br />operations for•_ ferries, pzzblic transit, rail arzd the Depar•tnaerzt of Motor• Vehicles. <br />Potential Ftuzdin for Specific Projects <br />Although we have not requested funding for any specific prof ects, we would also <br />appreciate any guidaazce oitr legislators could give us concerning how to pursue such a <br />request and what sorts of projects might receive favorable attention. <br />
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