2016-204-E AMS - Tile Restoration Inc. to saniglaze restrooms 114 and 115 at CG
Board of County Commissioners
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2016-204-E AMS - Tile Restoration Inc. to saniglaze restrooms 114 and 115 at CG
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4/12/2016 8:27:04 AM
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R 2016-204-E AMS - Tile Restoration Inc. to saniglaze restrooms 114 and 115 at Cedar Grove
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DocuSign Envelope ID: BDD226D4-62AD-40CB-ACDA-B1D18954D81A <br /> c. The market value of your damaged vehicle, not W. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF <br /> including any furnishings, parts, or equipment not RECOVERY <br /> installed by the manufacturer or their dealership. Subparagraph 5. of paragraph A. Loss Conditions of <br /> We will not pay for initiation or set up costs associated SECTION IV BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is <br /> with a loans or leases. deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following. <br /> For the purposes of this coverage extension a new 5. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against <br /> covered auto is defined as an "auto" of which you are Others to Us <br /> the original owner that has not been previously titled If any person or organization to or for whom we <br /> which you purchased less than 180 days prior to the make payment under this Coverage Form has <br /> date of loss. rights to recover damages from another, those <br /> T. LOSS TO TWO OR MORE COVERED AUTOS rights are transferred to us. That person or <br /> FROM ONE ACCIDENT organization must do everything necessary to <br /> SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, secure our rights and must do nothing after <br /> D. Deductible is amended by adding the following: "accident"or'loss"to impair them. <br /> If a Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or However, we waive any right of recovery we <br /> Collision Coverage"loss"from one"accident" involves may have against any person, or organization <br /> two or more covered "autos", only the highest with whom you have a written contract, <br /> deductible applicable to those coverages will be agreement or permit executed prior to the <br /> applied to the"accident". 'loss" that requires a waiver of recovery for <br /> This provision only applies if you carry payments made for damages arising out of <br /> Comprehensive, Collision or Specified Causes of your operations done under contract with such <br /> Loss Coverage for those vehicles, and does not person or organization. <br /> extend coverage to any covered "autos"for which you X. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE <br /> do not carry such coverage. EXPOSURES <br /> U. WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE — GLASS REPAIR OR SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, <br /> REPLACEMENT B.2. Concealment, Misrepresentation, or Fraud <br /> SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, is amended by adding the following: <br /> D. Deductible is amended by adding the following: If you unintentionally fail to disclose any exposures <br /> If a Comprehensive Coverage deductible is shown in existing at the inception date of this policy, we will <br /> the Declarations it does not apply to the cost of not deny coverage under this Coverage Part solely <br /> repairing or replacing damaged glass. because of such failure to disclose. However, this <br /> V. DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, provision does not affect our right to collect <br /> SUIT,OR LOSS additional premium or exercise our right of <br /> cancellation or non-renewal. <br /> SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Y. MENTAL ANGUISH <br /> A.2. Duties in the Event of Accident, Claim, Suit or <br /> Loss is amended by adding the following: SECTION V— DEFINITIONS, C. is replaced by the <br /> d. Your obligation to notify us promptly of an following: <br /> "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" is satisfied if you "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or <br /> send us the required notice as soon as disease sustained by a person, including mental <br /> practicable after your Insurance Administrator or anguish or death resulting from bodily injury, <br /> anyone else designated by you to be responsible sickness or disease. <br /> for insurance matters is notified, or in any manner Z. LIBERALIZATION <br /> made aware, of an "accident", claim, "suit" or <br /> "loss". If we revise this endorsement to provide greater <br /> coverage without additional premium charge, we <br /> will automatically provide the additional coverage to <br /> all endorsement holders as of the day the revision <br /> is effective in your state. <br /> CA7450(7-14) Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties,Inc.with its permission. Page 4 of 4 <br />
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