Orange County NC Website
14 <br />intergovernmental coordination section with each element that will be developed <br />knowing that many of the county's goals will require that coordination. <br />Answer (Cont.): The small area plan efforts will continue. <br />Facilitated Discussion on Draft Goals: <br />Facilitator asks, "What needs are being met by any one or more of the goals?"; <br />and 'What are you concerned about, as you review the draft goals?" <br />Public Comments: <br />1. Premature to say, I need to see measurability, the goals are way too <br />broad. <br />2. Transportation goals are specific and moving in the right direction. <br />3. The Housing goals seem to meet the needs. <br />4. Preservation of farmland and protecting groundwater quality are areas <br />where my needs seem to be met. <br />5. Transportation- the roads and their design are a problem. <br />6. Urban sprawl- traffic pattern problems; not enough attention to traffic. <br />7. Natural and cultural systems goal #5 how do you plan to do this? What <br />concerns me is the quality not quantity and also water and sewer <br />problems — I don't want to see any sludge application in the Upper Eno <br />watershed. <br />8. Economic development may help traffic congestion. Because we don't <br />have places for development, that creates urban sprawl and puts pressure <br />on the rural buffer- we need sufficient size districts and we need to show <br />what tradeoffs are involved to maintain our schools. <br />9. We need to have honest transparent discussions of public finance. <br />Linkages between economic development/transportation/housing and <br />uses not addressed. Need more equitable distribution of housing. <br />10. Water issues - we need to use data that is more current to determine what <br />our capacity is and to see what growth we can sustain. <br />11. Reemphasize regional transportation discussions between counties to <br />keep lines of communications open and think more broadly of jurisdictions <br />that are involved. <br />12. Forming of public and private partnerships- we have a really strong <br />Chamber of Commerce whatever we do should include them and use <br />them in whatever way necessary to form partnerships. <br />