Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Attachment 5 <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />Public Information Meeting <br />New Hope Elementary School Auditorium <br />August 7, 2007 7:00-9:00 pm <br />Meetinq Notes <br />Questions from public following staff presentation: <br />Question 1: The word "partnership" is used in one of the goals and needs <br />clarification, how is that word being used? What's the intent? <br />Answer: Goals completed by several advisory boards and I am not familiar with <br />the specific intent - that's one of the things that we are looking at today, wording <br />that needs clarification. We are documenting all questions to be considered. <br />Question 2: How did each element work on their draft goals? There needs to be <br />explanation on how the goals will compliment and support each other? General <br />background? <br />Answer: Each of the sets of goals were worked on by the respective advisory <br />board, then compiled and all lead boards looked at all goals to identify linkages to <br />the principles and identify any inconsistencies. We are still working on this and <br />asking for public input. <br />Question 3: Will there be a timeline to show what the timeline will really be? Is <br />the 1981 plan going to be republished? Is there a paper or something that gives <br />you information on what you should do? <br />Answer: Yes, the county commissioners have set the stage for this process and <br />they have adopted this process, timeline and guiding principles. This process will <br />result in a new document that will replace the 1981 Plan. <br />Question 4: If you could please let the original Board know what we did right in <br />1981? People seem to be reinventing the wheel, did our ideas work? <br />Answer: Staff completed a general evaluation of the 1981 plan; the planning <br />board reviewed the evaluation and made some additions. This document is <br />available on the website. One of the things that we used for the evaluation were <br />public comments provided during previous outreach efforts. There is an <br />identification of goals that have been well addressed and ones to focus more on. <br />We had several meetings and were able to identify which goals were on people's <br />minds. <br />Answer (Cont.): We noticed in the original plan that there were not specific and <br />measurable objectives. This is something we hope to improve upon during this <br />update process. <br />Question 5: Are there plans for Orange County inclusive of Hillsborough and <br />surrounding areas in the process in regards to water and sewer and buffers- is <br />this a joint planning process and are they going to be involved? <br />Answer: In the strict sense, this is not a joint planning process, we are planning <br />for Orange County's planning jurisdiction. However, there will be an <br />