Orange County NC Website
DRAFT for QPH Attachment 1 3 <br />Section 4.2.33 Efland- Cheeks Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District (ECOD): <br />a) Intent. The Highway 70 Corridor Overlay District is established to provide for <br />compatibility of uses between existing single - family residential land uses and non- <br />residential developments along a designated portion of Highway 70 within Cheeks <br />Township. The Highway 70 corridor covered under this overlay district is part of the <br />adopted Efland Mebane Small Area Plan which outlines acceptable levels of <br />development within the study area, including allowing for additional non- residential <br />development along Highway 70. <br />These regulations are designed to preserve and enhance the character of the community <br />while allowing for mixed, but compatible, land uses by permitting logical expansion of <br />existing non - residential developments throughout the corridor. <br />It is the intent of this district to encourage land use patterns that will: <br />1. Protect existing single- family residential land uses, <br />2. Protect the character of the area, <br />3. Enhance property values, <br />4. Maintain the economic viability and carrying capacity of the corridor, <br />5. Preserve open vistas whenever possible, <br />6. Encourage small businesses to locate in appropriate areas, and <br />7. Continue to promote and provide for the general welfare of local citizens and <br />property owners. <br />Standards are hereby established to allow for the development of additional non- <br />residential land uses within the Highway 70 corridor in order to maintain and enhance the <br />economic vitality of the area while protecting the less intensive mixture of existing <br />residential land uses. <br />b) Applicability. This district is intended for properties adjacent to Highway 70 within <br />Cheeks Township of Orange County in accordance with the boundaries shown on the <br />map below and on the Orange County Zoning Atlas. <br />3 <br />