Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> Joyce McGuire said she too was a neighbor close to this incident, and she disagreed <br /> with Fire Marshal, as the fallout fell on her property. She said her home vibrated, and her dog <br /> was traumatized. She said the law was broken because she did not receive notification of the <br /> event 10 days in advance, but rather the day the before the event via email, which many <br /> people in her neighborhood do not access. She said it is ludicrous that fireworks are allowed <br /> in rural Orange County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> adopt the large scale pyrotechnics display provisions into the Orange County Code of <br /> Ordinances, authorize the Chair to sign the attached Resolution of Adoption, and authorize the <br /> County Attorney to make any minor non-substantive changes or corrections that may be <br /> necessary prior to submission of the amendment to Municode; with addition to direct staff to <br /> create informational pamphlets that this is an additional regulation and would provide the type <br /> of notice that is not currently available; add to website. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said to add another whereas, stating that the State of North <br /> Carolina precludes counties from prohibiting the use of pyrotechnics. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin accepted the friendly amendment and suggested it be folded <br /> into the first whereas. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier also agreed. <br /> Commissioner Price said she will vote against it because she wanted more public input <br /> and more clarity. <br /> Chair McKee said he will reluctantly vote for it but has reservations about the jail time. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said prohibition is not possible but this makes it more <br /> expensive to do a display and it is moving in the right direction. <br /> John Roberts suggested adding a sentence in section D which says that the notice sent <br /> by email/mail indicates the time, date, and place for the fireworks event. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin and Commissioner Pelissier accepted. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the time would be specific and how this would be possible <br /> given that sometimes fireworks cannot go off exactly as planned due to weather complications <br /> or other such variables. <br /> John Roberts said the notice can be worded to accommodate such variables. <br /> John Roberts asked if there was any further comment regarding the implementation of <br /> time restrictions. <br /> No additional comments were made. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Price) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs referred to Commissioner Price's concern, and suggested the <br /> Fire Marshal hold a public information session in the area, close to the isolated incident, to <br /> review the discussion and actions taken this evening. He said any questions raised at such a <br /> meeting can be brought to the BOCC. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff would handle arrange such a meeting. <br /> c. Orange County Firearms Safety Committee <br /> The Board considered approving a charge and composition for the proposed Orange <br /> County Firearms Safety Committee and providing additional direction to staff as needed. <br />