Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> On February 16, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners directed staff to bring back a <br /> proposal regarding the establishment of the Orange County Firearms Safety Committee <br /> (modeled after the Orange County Hunting Ordinance work group). Stakeholders would <br /> include the Orange County Sheriff, a representative from the N.C. Wildlife Resources <br /> Department, County Manager, and community members living in the unincorporated areas of <br /> Orange County, including those who own and use firearms and those who do not. <br /> The group's charge would include, but not necessarily be limited to, discussing the purpose of <br /> additional County firearm regulations, noise, property size, cost, posting of property signs, and <br /> safety concerns; and look at similar ordinances in other counties and to advise (or recommend) <br /> to the BOCC regarding a course of action regarding firearm regulations in the County. <br /> Pending Board action on the Committee, the Clerk will then advertise for residents to apply for <br /> potential appointment to the Committee. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact is to be determined. If the Board decides to direct <br /> staff to engage the services of a facilitator for the Committee, then there will be an associated <br /> cost. (The Clerk has initially contacted Andy Sachs as a possible facilitator and Mr. Sachs is <br /> interested and available to facilitate, if need be.) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested adding the Orange County Planning Director or <br /> designee, to the technical staff section, in addition to the County Attorney. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier suggested not having County Commissioners as members but <br /> rather have one Commissioner serve as liaison. <br /> Commissioner Price agreed. <br /> Chair McKee also agreed. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a definition for liaison. <br /> Chair McKee said one that attends and participates in meetings but would not have a <br /> vote. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Board of County Commissioner member would not be <br /> a primary participant but serve as an observer. <br /> Chair McKee asked if this would be similar to a technical staff position. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said yes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said his interpretation would be that the liaison could, or would, <br /> give a response, if need be. He said he would be comfortable for the liaison to attend <br /> meetings and give some response if matters arise that the Board of County Commissioners <br /> may strongly oppose, to offer guidance. <br /> Chair McKee said his intent is not to bind the hands of a Commissioner sitting on this <br /> committee but to alleviate the perception that a BOCC member would be controlling the <br /> conversation. He said the Commissioner should be able to respond and offer insight but not <br /> vote. <br /> Chair McKee said his main concern is that the Board will vote on final recommendation <br /> of this committee. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she served as a liaison to ABC board where she <br /> participated in discussions but did not vote. She said she was able to keep folks on track and <br /> keeps the conversation flowing. She said this allows for an ultimate recommendation that has <br /> a chance of being approved. <br />