Orange County NC Website
• 46% of the open space is primary conservation areas. (IV-C-3-b) <br />• No wildlife corridors are located on the property. <br />• The Joint Planning Area (JPA) agreement contains a map that calls for reservation of <br />land for a potential greenway system along the major creeks in the JPA. At the February <br />27, 2007 meeting, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee (RPAC) reviewed the <br />subdivision, and recommended the dedication of an approximate one-acre parcel along <br />Long Branch Creek to facilitate potential future Greenway connections as they become <br />possible. The Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD) have made <br />a similar recommendation. (See agency review comments) <br />Recreation Space: <br />Public Recreation Space: <br />• Chapel Hill Township District Park (per the Recreation Service Area Boundaries Map). <br />• RPAC and ERCD have identified the area along Long Branch Creek as important for <br />future greenway connections in the JPA. <br />• Acreage required for public recreation/open space is 1/20 acres per lot or .25 acres. A <br />minimum of .59 acres is proposed to be dedicated to the County for a potential greenway <br />connection. <br />• Acreage required to be reserved for private recreational facilities is .56 acres (20.14 x <br />.028). The dedication of .59 acres to the County for the potential greenway connection <br />meets the requirement. <br />• The approximate one-acre dedication, if accepted, will satisfy the payment-in-lieu. <br />• The payment-in-lieu option for recreation would require a payment of $2,275 (455 x 5 <br />lots). The dedication of the proposed future greenway connection will eliminate the <br />payment-in-lieu. <br />Water-Sewer: <br />• Individual wells. <br />• Individual septic systems approved by Environmental Health (see agency review). <br />• Public water and sewer is not available in the Rural Buffer per the JPA. <br />Agency Review: <br />• Comments attached <br />Development Process, Schedule, and Action <br />Planning Board <br />• First Action: Neighborhood Information Meeting held November 21, 2006 <br />• Second Action: Concept Plan approved December 6, 2006 with the following conditions: <br />1. The intersection and road alignments on the Preliminary Plan shall meet NCDOT <br />standards. <br />2. A dedication of an additional 5 feet of Right of Way, or 35 feet from the centerline of <br />the Right of Way, which ever is greater will be required along Union. Grove Church <br />Road. <br />3. Long Branch will be subject to greenway dedication to be determined prior to the <br />Planning Board making its recommendation to the BOCC at Preliminary Plan stage. <br />4. Homeowners Association documents that provide for maintenance of the Open Space <br />shall be submitted with the preliminary plan. Provisions shall be included in the <br />Homeowners Association documents that would prohibit tree cutting in the Open <br />Space except for maintenance purposes. <br />