Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
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8/28/2008 11:04:40 AM
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Minutes - 20070821
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-061 Resolution approving the Hasting Preliminary Plan
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27 <br />DRAFT <br />205 <br />206 Jay Bryan: Any consensus? One issue is staffs request to dedicate one acre in the Northwest corner and the <br />207 applicant has asked fora 100 foot stream along the stream. <br />208 <br />209 Sam Lasris: As a transportation board member, the transportation board would be in favor of having the acre <br />210 dedicated for more walkability. <br />211 <br />212 Craufurd Goodwin: Why would that be more walkable that the 100 feet? <br />213 <br />214 Sam Lasris: It will keep connecting to something else. <br />215 <br />216 Jeffrey Schmitt: Practically, you will have a trail that four foot wide that people will walk on. <br />217 <br />218 Sam Lasris: Yes. <br />219 <br />220 Bernadette Pelissier: It will be adjacent to a stream and the other part would not be adjacent to the stream that would <br />221 be on other properties. <br />222 <br />223 Sam Lasris: It may not be a straight path. <br />224 <br />225 Jeffrey Schmitt: We are looking for a motion on all the specific language regarding the stub out and the one acre? <br />226 <br />227 Sam Lasris: Are they separate or together? ' <br />228 <br />229 Jay Bryan: We can make a motion as to all the recommendations other than those two and then we can vote on <br />230 those two items separately? <br />231 <br />232 Renee Price: What becomes of parcel A if it is not dedicated? <br />233 <br />234 Jennifer Leaf: It will remain Homeowner's Association open space. <br />235 <br />236 Renee Price: The public would not be able to walk it? <br />237 <br />238 Jennifer Leaf: That is correct. <br />239 <br />240 MOTION made by Jeffrey Schmitt to approve the recommendations on pages 25-30 with the exceptions of the one <br />241 acre suggestion by Parks and Recreation and the stub out. <br />242 Seconded by Brian Crawford. <br />243 VOTE: Unanimous <br />244 <br />245 MOTION made by Brian Crawford to approve the Planning Board's recommendation for the dedication of the one acre <br />246 parcel as defined by the power line easement. <br />247 Sam Lasris seconded. <br />248 <br />249 Brian Crawford: A is the Homeowner's Association. <br />250 <br />251 Craufurd Goodwin: If this is dedicated to the County, would the County maintain it. Will it be well maintained as by <br />252 the HOA? <br />253 <br />254 Robert Davis: They would be required to do maintenance as required. It is a natural area. <br />255 <br />
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