Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
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8/28/2008 11:04:40 AM
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-061 Resolution approving the Hasting Preliminary Plan
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24 <br />DRAFT <br />52 Agenda Item 6: CHAIR GOMMENTS <br />53 <br />54 Agenda Item 7: COMMITTEEIADVISORY BOARD REPORTS <br />5 5 a. Board of Adjustment <br />56 Jeffrey Schmitt: We meet next Monday. <br />57 <br />5 g b. Efland/Mebane Small Area Plan Implementation Focus Group <br />59 Perdita Holtz: They did not meet. <br />60 <br />61 c. Eno EDD Smal! Area Plan Task Force <br />62 Brian Crawford: No report I was out of town. <br />63 <br />64 Craig Benedict: They did meet the last week of June. There was discussion about the locations and types of uses <br />65 and came up with ideas about potential changes of to the existing Economic Development zones in that area. We <br />66 will continue discussions with Durham staff to match up our zoning and permitted.use tables. The other news about <br />67 the Eno district was the Board of County Commissioners approved money for a water and sewer study about how to <br />68 do master planning for that area. That is a prerequisite for any type of development. <br />69 <br />70 Renee Price: How much of the area is now residential and how many people would be displaced? <br />71 <br />72 Craig Benedict: It is a 400-500 acre area. There is an existing neighborhood that will not be affected with an <br />73 amendment for the current land use plan. <br />74 <br />75 d. Historic Preservation Commission <br />76 Renee Price: Some of the members attended the Comprehensive Plan Joint Meeting. There were comments <br />77 regarding that. Betsy Underwood had a concern about the term "universal design concept". There were other <br />78 concerns that these terms need to be defined. She wanted to add "adapted reuse" to housing. Another concern <br />79 was that we should use caution with words like "sprawl". One of our goals had been inserted into an overarching <br />80 goal and left us with one goal in the Historic Preservation Commission within the Natural and Cultural Resources <br />81 Element. We would like to go back to the two original goals. <br />82 <br />83 Tom Altieri: My suggestion would be that comments such as those be forwarded for the record, in writing, so they <br />84 can go as an addendum to the materials presented on August 27, 2007. Everything will come back to the Planning <br />85 Board and a recommendation will be made back to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />86 <br />87 e. Orange Unified Transporfafion Board <br />88 Sandra Quinn: We discussed our calendar for the next year and our goals. <br />89 <br />90 Agenda Item 8: PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR HASTINGS <br />91 Chapel Hill Township, 5 lots, 20.14 acres <br />92 Presenter: Jennifer Leaf, Planner I <br />93 <br />94 Jennifer Leaf: We are here today to consider the preliminary plan for Hastings. John Hart Construction is the agent. <br />95 We saw this plan in December and the concept plan was approved as having 5 lots in the rural buffer, with <br />96 approximately 41 % open space. It has a public road and that's why it is considered a major subdivision. The plan <br />97 meets our flexible options. The property is north of the University Lake protected watershed and in the Jordan Lake <br />98 unprotected watershed. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee has recommended a dedication of operi <br />99 space for possible future greenway connections. One of the recommendations that both RPAC and ERCD have <br />100 made is to have a dedication of approximately 1 acre that follows the power line easement. The applicant has <br />101 proposed 100 feet along the creek as their proposal of dedication of open space. They are part of the Chapel Hill <br />102 District Park. <br />2 <br />
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