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Approved 1/3/07 <br />that the concern by the citizens is that there is often a disparity between the socio-economic status and the <br />culture, and they were concerned that farming is not always the most attractive neighbor. <br />Jay Bryan asked if the public road was another stub out to the south and Jennifer Leaf answered that this <br />is the required turnaround for emergency vehicles. It is not a stub out. <br />No public comrnent.~ <br />Motion made by Brian Crawford, seconded by Brian Dobyns to recommend approval of the Concept Plan <br />for Lot A-9-C of Union Grove United Methodist Church with the following conditions: <br />5. The intersection and road alignments on the Preliminary Plan shall meet NCDOT <br />standards. <br />6. A dedication of an additional 5 feet of right-of--way, or 35 feet from the centerline of <br />the right-of--way, whichever is greater, will be required along Union Grove Church <br />Road. <br />7. .Long Branch will be subject to greenway dedication to be determuied prior to the <br />Planning Board making its recommendation to the BOCC at Preliminary Plan stage. <br />8. Homeowners Association documents that provide for maintenance of the open space . <br />- -- -- - - - shall be submitted with the preliminary plan. Provisions shall be included in the <br />Homeowners Association documents that would prohibit tree cutting in the open <br />space except for maintenance purposes. <br />9. The floodplain and the 65-foot stream buffers associated with the streams must be <br />shown on the Preliminary Plan. <br />10. Show location of subdivision sign on Preliminary Plan, and reserve an easement for <br />the sign. <br />11. Any lighting shall meet Orange County Lighting Standards. <br />12. Obtain NCDOT street intersection location prior to submittal of Preliminary Plan. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 10; No, 1 (Sam Lasris - he said that this is farmland and people live in modest homes in <br />this area) <br />AGE1~A ITEM #11: Tl~E 1BLUI+'FS AT MOOREFIELI)S - COletCEPT PLAI`~ (VOTING ITEM) <br />Presenter: Eddie Kirk, Planner II <br />Planning Board will consider recommendation on the Concept Plan for The Bluffs at Moorefields. <br />Eddie Kirk made this presentation. This subdivision is located southwest of Hillsborough at the corner of <br />Moorefields and Dimmocks Mill Roads. The subdivision is proposed to have 171ots. The total acreage <br />is 35.22 acres. The requirement is for 33% open space, and the proposal includes 44.76% open space, <br />which is 15.11 acres. The density comes out to 2.07 acres per lot. The property is surrounded by existing <br />development and creeks. The proposal has two cul-de-sacs. There will be individual wells and septic <br />tanks. There was a neighborhood information meeting on November 20~', and there was concern <br />expressed by the neighbors regarding lot sizes and prices of the homes. The homeowners association <br />would maintain the open space. The Planning staff is recommending approval with the conditions as <br />stated on page 3 of the abstract (stamped page 55). Condition #7 has been changed to say that the <br />minimum 10-foot wide open space area shall be provided between lots 11 and 12. <br />Brian Dobyns asked if there would really be 17 lots because of the quality of the soils there. Eddie Kirk <br />said that this is a concept plan only. If the Health Department finds that there are no suitable soils on each <br />lot, and a repair area, there could be less lots. <br />Steve Yuhasz distributed the slope diagrams. Regarding the soils, this property had a proposal several <br />years ago for 27 lots, and at that time a soils report was done that showed a good likelihood that those lots <br />22 <br />11 <br />