Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-6c
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8/28/2008 11:04:40 AM
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RES-2007-061 Resolution approving the Hasting Preliminary Plan
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21 <br />Approved I/3/0~ <br />and find out more about densities or other factors, about how this might in fact be <br />implemented and direct that the Planning staff bring back to us specifics on how this <br />might be done effectively; and <br />4. Finally, that the details of the conversation and questions and comments from the <br />Board be submitted along with this motion to the Board of Commissioners. <br />Second: Craufurd Goodwin <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />AGENDA ITEM #10: SUBDIVISION OF LOT A-9-C UNION GROVE UNITED METHODIST <br />CHURCH -CONCEPT PLAN (VOTING ITEM) <br />Presenter: Jennifer Leaf, Planner I <br />Planning Board will consider recommendations on the Concept Plan for Lot A-9-C Union Grove United <br />Methodist Church. <br />Jennifer Leaf made a correction to the agenda. The lot is A-9-C and not A-9-6. This property is on <br />Union Grove Church Road, just south of the intersection with Arthur Minnis Road, and is roughly across <br />the street from the church. This is a concept plan for a maj or subdivision. It is a 20-acre tract of land. <br />The proposal is for it to be divided into five lots. The reason that this is a major subdivision is because <br />the applicant is proposing a public roadway. Steve Yuhasz is acting as the surveyor. The five lots are <br />each two acres, which is consistent with the rural buffer requirements in zoning. This subdivision has <br />42.3 8% open space, which goes along with the flexible development conservation cluster option being <br />utilized in this subdivision. There was a public information meeting held on November 21St, and five <br />residents attended. The comments are at the back of the agenda packet. There are two streams n,nning <br />through the property. The joint planning agreement in place with Carrboro and Chapel Hill calls for a <br />greenway system along the major creeks within the joint planning area. This has been sent to the <br />Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee for review and recommendation. It is possible that the County <br />will request a dedication to the County of some of the open space for a future greenway system. The <br />homeowner's association will maintain all of the open space and will maintain any signage proposed with <br />the project. Water and sewer will be individual well and septic systems. Staff has received a comment by <br />ERCD, who reviewed this and suggested dedicating some property for the greenway. <br />Renee Price-Saunders made reference to page 41 and asked for clarification on the bottom, where it says, <br />"which is for less than 21 lots follows the normal subdivision process." Jennifer Leaf said that if there are <br />more than 21 lots, it would have to go through the SUP, Class A, public hearing process. <br />Brian Dobyns made reference to the new public roadway and if there was an intention that it would <br />connect with any future subdivision. 7ennifer Leaf said that this (future connectivity) is the intention, <br />even though the owners of the farm have no intentions to sell the land and subdivide. <br />Brian Dobyns said that a number of times when this has been the case, there has been landowner concern <br />about this occurring. He asked if there was anything in the deeds to the landowners that says that this is <br />the intention. It was answered that it is stated on the fmal plat and a sign could be placed at the end of the <br />stub our in question. <br />Brian Dobyns made reference to page 48 at the bottom and a comment made at the neighborhood <br />information meeting, as follows: "A concern was expressed that the people moving into the new homes <br />maybe critical of their neighboring landowners." He asked for an explanation of this. Jennifer Leaf said <br />10 <br />
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