Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Planning Board Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners <br />G. Miscellaneous <br />The Final Plat shall contain a title block and vicinity map according to standards <br />found in Section V-D-2 and V-D-3 of the County Subdivision Regulations. <br />2. The Final Plat shall reflect the drainage easements as required in D.1 above. <br />3. The portion of open space not deeded to Orange County shall be conveyed by deed <br />to the Homeowner's Association(s). The County Attorney shall approve all <br />instruments of conveyance and restriction prior to recordation. <br />4. Before installation of street lighting within the subdivision, the owner/applicant shall <br />submit a lighting plan to the Planning Department for review and approval. <br />5. The Planning and Solid Waste Departments shall review and approve a plan for the <br />collection and proper disposal of all tree stumps and fallen logs before the Final Plat <br />approval. <br />6. Clean wood waste, scrap metal, and corrugated cardboard, shall be recycled. <br />7. Before installation of a subdivision sign, County Planning shall review and approve <br />a sign site plan and construction drawings. <br />8. The owner shall file, with the Planning Department and record with the Final Plat, a <br />declaration of covenants and restrictions, articles of incorporation, where required, <br />and/or by-laws, all as approved by the County Attorney, that will govern the <br />maintenance and control of the improvements as set forth in Article III-E of the <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations. Said documents shall provide for <br />ownership of open space and the dedication of easements to access open space, <br />drainage easements and buffers, for maintenance. <br />G. Certifications <br />1. The owner/applicant shall have notarized on the face of the Final Plat a Certificate <br />of Survey and Accuracy signed by a Professional Land Surveyor. <br />2. The owner/applicant shall sign a Certification of Declaration and Maintenance in the <br />farm provided in Section V-D-6-b of the County Subdivision Regulations on the face <br />of the plat and shall record concurrently with the Final Plat a document describing <br />development restrictions. <br />3. The NCDOT shall certify that Hastings Lane has been entirely constructed or <br />construction secured by a letter of credit to NCDOT standards per construction <br />plans prior to Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. <br />