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13 <br />Planning Board Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners <br />6. Sight triangles, ten feet by seventy feet (10' x 70'), shall be shown on the Final <br />Plat at the Hastings Lane and Union Grove Church Road intersection. The sight <br />distance triangle shall be exclusive of the proposed sign easement. <br />7. The owner shall dedicate, in fee simple, an additional 5 feet of right-of-way, or 35 <br />feet from the centerline of the existing. right of way, which ever is greater, along <br />Union Grove Church Road. Said dedication shall meet major collector right-of-way <br />standards, as identified in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and <br />required in Section IV-B-3-c-1 of the Subdivision Regulations. <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br /> <br />+ho Giro I AI + ~nii+h +ho ~ninrrl <br />..... .,. "C~ ~hion+ +n f~ ~+~ pr <br />... .~. .....J..-..._._.~_~. o ~~+on <br />_ _________ ~nr <br />_. _.. <br />C. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. The owner/applicant shall install or preserve landscaping as indicated on the <br />approved Landscape Plan (open space and pathways plan), and the Planning <br />Department shall inspect and approve such landscaping before signing the Final <br />Plat. No part of the landscaping shall encroach into the ten-foot by seventy- <br />foot (10' x 70') sight triangles at the Union Grove Church Road intersection. <br />OR <br />The owner/applicant shall submit a letter of credit, or escrow agreement to secure <br />required landscape installation and preservation. The owner/applicant shall <br />provide, as specified in Section IV-B-8-b-9 of the Orange county Subdivision <br />Regulations, an estimate of the cost for required preservation, plantings and their <br />installation. The financial guarantee shall reflect 110% of the estimate and be <br />issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do business in North <br />Carolina. <br />2. Provision for protection of existing trees, as shown on the approved Landscape <br />Plan shall be included in a document describing development restrictions and <br />requirements that Planning Department staff prepares and shall be recorded <br />concurrently with the Final Plat. Clear cutting or other removal of any trees ar other <br />vegetation on individual lots is prohibited as specified in Section IV-B-8-c of the <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations. <br />3. The owner/applicant shall provide a Type A Land Use Buffer along Union Grove <br />Church Road, as shown on the Preliminary Plan. The buffer shall be thirty feet (30') <br />wide and shall be composed of deciduous and/or evergreen vegetation, forming <br />semi-opaque intermittent visual obstructions from the ground to a height of at least <br />thirty feet (30'). Said buffer shall be so noted on the plat, and detailed in a <br />document describing development restrictions and requirements prepared by <br />Planning Department staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />