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<br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />JULY 11, 2007 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Bryan, Chapel Hill Representative (Chair); Brian Crawford, Eno Township At-Large; <br />Craufurd Goodwin, Hillsborough Representative; Joel Knight, Little River Representative; Sam Lasris, Cedar <br />Grove Township At Large, Bernadette Pelissier, Bingham Township; Renee Price, Hillsborough Township At <br />Large (Vice-Chair), Sandra Johnson Quinn, Eno Township; Jeffrey Schmitt, Cedar Grove Township at <br />Large; <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Michelle Kempinski, Cedar Grove Township at Large; Brian Dobyns, Cheeks Township <br />Representative (Resigned); Judith Wegner, Bingham Township At-Large, <br />STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor; Tom Altieri, <br />Comprehensive Planning Supervisor; Glenn Bowles, Planner II; Donna Davenport, Administrative Assistant <br />II, Perdita Holtz, Michael Harvey, Gene Bell, Jennifer Leaf <br />OTHERS: Steve Yuhasz <br />Agenda Item 11: QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING REFERRALS <br />NC HIGHWAY 57 SPEEDWAY AREA SMALL AREA PLAN <br />Presenter: Glenn Bowles, Planner II <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: Were the managements of the quarry, race track and go-kart tracks present? <br />Glenn Bowles: The go-kart management and speedway management were always there. The quarry <br />management was invited and came to one meeting to make a presentation. They have a copy of the draft <br />plan and know all the details of the Task Force's work. <br />Renee Price: Have the residents of the adjoining neighborhoods feel comfortable about the development? <br />Glenn Bowles: Are they comfortable with a go-kart track or speedway? No. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: What are the issues? <br />Glenn Bowles: The surrounding neighbors. The go-kart track is noise, the speedway is the noise and trash <br />and traffic. The quarry wasn't too much of a problem, but the neighbors do feel the vibration of the blasting <br />and hear the sounds of the vehicles. The quarry has a wide buffer. <br />Renee Price: But the meetings have not caused concerns. <br />Glenn Bowles: Yes, we had a lot of discussion about issues. <br />Renee Price: Are they mellowing out? <br />Glenn Bowles: They are. The neighbors generally accept the task force report. They are not happy with <br />the uses. It was a balancing act. <br />