Orange County NC Website
3. How will buffering and transitioning of existing, and possible future, nonresidential <br />development be accomplished to avoid impacts on existing, and possible future, low- <br />density residential development within the area? <br />4. How will the County address noise levels generated by the Speedway and possible future <br />reopening of the go-kart track? <br />5. What types of additional nonresidential land uses are to be considered for the area and <br />how will their impact be mitigated? <br />6. What additional traffic related issues would be generated by potentially allowing for <br />additional nonresidential development? <br />7. How will allowing for additional development within the area affect the existing <br />groundwater public water supply and how will existing, and future, residential <br />developments be protected from the increase in groundwater demand? <br />8. What will be done to protect the environmental integrity of the Flat River and Little River <br />Watershed Overlay districts? <br />9. What ancillary impacts will be generated in Person and Durham Counties as a result of <br />potentially allowing for additional development in the area? <br />Four planning principles contained in the Task Force Report include: <br />1. Preservation and protection of the rural character and nature of the area; <br />2. Minimization of negative impacts on natural systems/environmentally sensitive areas; <br />3. Restrict growth and development so that it complements the rural character and <br />lifestyles; and <br />4. Maintenance of present service levels for existing infrastructure. <br />Traditional rezoning and special use permit processes were not felt to afford the community and <br />Task Force sufficient protection and assurances of maintaining a rural lifestyle and character, <br />and the Task Force suggests a zoning overlay entitled Rural Economic Development Area <br />(REDA) be created to facilitate bringing the nonconforming activities into compliance. <br />The Draft Small Area Plan was presented at the May 21 Quarterly Public Hearing. Comments <br />were received from three speakers. Task Force members Karen Barrows and Bruce Peters <br />expressed concern about damage to wells from blasting, noise and traffic impacts, impacts of <br />additional development, rights of property owners, and increased air pollution from non- <br />residential uses in the area. Melvin Stanley spoke on behalf of Orange County Speedway <br />emphasizing they were a legal non-conforming operation. He expressed concern about <br />representation of speedway representatives on the committee early in the process and the <br />impacts of potential regulatory changes discussed by the committee. He closed by asking if <br />there would be a list of potentially permissible uses. Commissioner Jacobs suggested a word <br />change on goal #5 on page 28. He suggested "Air quality issues shall be an integral part of any <br />future permit reviewed within the Study Area." <br />The BOCC referred the NC Highway 57 Speedway Area Small Area Plan to the Economic <br />Development Commission and Planning Board and for review and recommendation. <br />The Economic Development Commission considered the Small Area Plan at their meeting on <br />June 14, 2007 and voted unanimously "to recommend the Plan be forwarded for approval by the <br />Board of County Commissioners." <br />