Agenda - 08-21-2007-6a
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-6a
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(~ <br />MINUTES <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />June 14, 2007 <br />Present: Anita Badrock, Bryant Colson, Dan Coleman, Keith Cook, Mark Crowell, Jim Evans, Lilyn <br />Hester, Chris Hogan, Eric Hallman, Barry Jacobs, Anne Loeb, Tony McKnight, Lauri <br />Michel, Bob Ward <br />Staff: Willie Best, Yvonne Scarlett, Craig Benedict, Tom Alteri <br />Guest: Dianne Reid <br />Absent: Mike Nelson, Alois Callemyn <br />Highway 571Speedway Area -Anita Badrock and Dianne Reid <br />Badrock briefly explained that this was a small area plan that about 968 acres in the northeastern part of <br />Orange County, bordered to the north by Person and to the east by Durham County. This area was picked <br />because right now it primarily zoned rural agricultural, but there are a number of nonconforming uses there - <br />Orange County Speedway, a rock quarry, and go-cart track. There has also been some interest from <br />property owners up there about other things that they might be able to do with their property. Two community <br />meetings and six meetings of the Task Force were held with good attendance with one of the goals being to <br />collaborate with those nonconforming uses property owners to bring them into conforming use. Another thing <br />was to think about whether there was ways that people could do some things on their property that were a <br />little more expansive than just the rural agricultural. Basically the outcome was to charge the community with <br />trying to reconcile some commercial aspirations with the property with neighborhood values and goals. The <br />Task Force recommended that the Commissioners consider an establishment of a permitted use - a <br />conditional use permit. Which would be specific to the property, it would go through the kind of review that <br />conditional use permitting has (the County currently does not have conditional use permitting) and that we <br />would better define and promote a rural economic development district -which would be to allow some <br />increased commercial use of what has been historically rural agricultural property. This Task Force Report <br />has now been given to the BOCC, went to Public Hearing on May 21St, and referred to this Board for <br />approval. <br />Craig Benedict -Again, this is a small area-planning document and it has embedded recommendations. If <br />the small area plan is approved by the Commissioners, that is a go ahead to proceed with developing new <br />ordinances - what is conditional use district, consider new over-lay districts which is to be entitled rural <br />economic development area, so this would be the go ahead. Some people think the document makes <br />everything start working -this is actually (if approved) the go ahead to start preparing zoning ordnance <br />changes -new zoning constructs and it also would not infer rights to Raceway immediately. They would <br />have to petition afterwards to use these new rules to make them go from a nonconforming to a conditional <br />use conforming status. <br />A motion was made by Keith Cook, and seconded by Mark Crowell to recommend the Plan_be <br />forwarded for aaaroval by the Board of County Commissioners. The motion was approved <br />unanimously. <br />Craig Benedict - a lot of these small area plans that are tracking through both the Planning Board and EDC <br />and these are the plans that have recommendations and all of a sudden coming down the pike you will see <br />the zoning amendment, you'll see a permitted use change possibly. So we're trying to put together a mid- <br />range plan to let you know in advance when these things will be coming your way, so in about a month, we <br />hope to work with EDC staff and work with Willie to plot out the course of these implementation strategies of <br />these plans. We'll try to get a master plan for you and whatever meetings these things hit, you'll see where <br />you are in the process of these five or six different small area plan processes and moving into the <br />implementation phase. <br />
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