Agenda - 08-21-2007-6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-6a
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8/29/2008 4:35:40 PM
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8/28/2008 11:04:25 AM
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Sandra Quinn: If we pass this, and the property is sold, will this be a change or will the new owner still be <br />non-conforming. <br />Glenn Bowles: He still has the same options. <br />MOTION made by Renee Price to approve the plan with the understanding that the residents have agreed to <br />the plan. Brian Crawford seconded. <br />VOTE: (9 Ayes, 2 opposed (Jeffrey Schmitt, Joel Knight) <br />Jay Bryan: I would like to make it clear that I am not supportive of the REDA section. <br />Glenn Bowles: You want to remove the Section 5 in its entirety? <br />Jay Bryan: No. It is not something we approve with this motion. <br />Brian Crawford: Is Section 5 part of the SAP? <br />Glenn Bowles: Yes, It is. The plan goes up to but does not include the appendices. <br />Brian Crawford: I don't accept that. <br />Renee Price: My understanding is that it would not include REDA? <br />Glenn Bowles: REDA as the implementation tool. <br />Brian Crawford: What section is the Small Area Plan? <br />Glenn Bowles: Everything up to Section 6. The concept of the REDA, the conditional zoning with the <br />approval of the Small Area Plan, it introduces the concept but it does not deal specifically with how the <br />REDA will be worded. <br />Renee Price: Would the REDA have to be used? <br />Glenn Bowles: Planning staff is only suggesting that it be used. <br />Michael Harvey: You have the SAP that makes a list of recommendations. The SAP identifies the public <br />participation with the process a recommended course of action or recommended course of action. This <br />Task Force, with staff's input and assistance, has developed a process which includes a Section 5 which <br />they have recommended as the Rural Economic Development Area. Their recommendation to the Board of <br />County Commissioners is that in order to implement the standards and policies identified within this <br />document, you follow a Rural Economic Development Process. The Board, in accepting this document, is <br />not bound by that recommendation. You are recommending approval for is that you are accepting the Task <br />Force SAP including the recommendation, which you will get back to take formal action on implementation <br />measures. This will go for the normal approval and process as usual. <br />Brian Crawford: What is your concern about the REDA? <br />Jay Bryan: I am okay with it being used for this plan but not being adopted as a broad County wide <br />approach. This is implied to be a County wide approach and I don't agree with that. <br />
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