Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a reason to limit it to only residents of <br /> 2 unincorporated areas. <br /> 3 John Roberts said the ordinance would only apply to the unincorporated areas of the <br /> 4 County. <br /> 5 Commissioner Price said a speaker did live in town and she suggested expanding it to <br /> 6 include all property owners in the unincorporated areas. <br /> 7 Mr. Hunnell said he suggested involving members of the NC Wildlife Resources <br /> 8 Commission Advisory Board as well as the Wildlife Resource commission, which deal with <br /> 9 questions of safety, noise, etc. <br /> 10 Chair McKee said these commissions are already included in the committee. <br /> 11 Commissioner Price amended her motion to say that residents can apply if they are <br /> 12 residents of the unincorporated areas of the County or if they own property in unincorporated <br /> 13 Orange County. <br /> 14 Commissioner Jacobs agreed. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Commissioner Price said it is very important to make sure the public is aware that <br /> 19 these committee meetings are open to the public. <br /> 20 Commissioner Rich said all meetings are open to the public. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price said she knows this is the case but it must be reiterated that all <br /> 22 meetings are open to the public. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 8. Reports <br /> 25 <br /> 26 a. Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan Annual Report <br /> 27 The Board considered receiving GoTriangle's annual report on the Orange County Bus <br /> 28 and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) and providing feedback as appropriate. <br /> 29 John Tallmadge, GoTriangle Director of Regional Services Development, reviewed the <br /> 30 following information from the abstract: <br /> 31 <br /> 32 BACKGROUND: <br /> 33 The OCBRIP was approved by the BOCC in June 2012. The OCBRIP provides local and <br /> 34 regional transit opportunities including expanded bus service and proposed light rail. Voters in <br /> 35 November 2012 approved a one-half cent sales tax to fund the local portion of the Plan and <br /> 36 collection of the sales tax began on April 1, 2013. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 This is the third annual report that GoTriangle (Triangle Transit/TTA) has provided to the Board, <br /> 39 the last taking place at the Board's March 19, 2015 work session. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Attachment 1 is a memo from Jeff Mann, General Manager of GoTriangle, which introduces its <br /> 42 annual report. Although the memo is dated December 14, 2015, the accompanying report has <br /> 43 been updated more recently to address comments provided by Orange Public Transportation <br /> 44 and Orange County Planning Staff. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 NEXT STEPS: <br /> 47 Consistent with the Interlocal Implementation Agreement, next steps are to include the <br /> 48 development of appropriate benchmarks and timeline to evaluate progress in gaining federal <br /> 49 and state financial support for the LRT project in the Plan and to incorporate these benchmarks <br /> 50 and timeline into the OCBRIP. This is to be done in a manner that coordinates with the Durham- <br />