Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 Asheville. This year we saw to it out State Preemption Statue was toughened to allow for our <br /> 2 recovery of the cost to successfully litigate such matters. Rather than persist in an adversarial <br /> 3 relationship with your citizens, I suggest you follow the examples of Pitt, Person and Wilkes <br /> 4 counties who all just repealed such firearms restrictions in county facilities and parks, choosing <br /> 5 to trust their citizens instead of useless "magic signs". <br /> 6 While you're at it, Commissioners, demonstrate to your Orange County residents and <br /> 7 visitors you really do support rights, freedoms and trust citizens by repealing your knee jerk, 20 <br /> 8 year old prohibition on lawful firearms in all other County facilities and buildings as well. <br /> 9 Counties across this State, including Alamance, Ashe, Cherokee, Cabarrus, Forsyth, Rowan <br /> 10 and Union have all done so in the prior year. Today, nearly 500,000 North Carolina concealed <br /> 11 carry permit holders have proven themselves safe, sane, and sober in their conduct...including, <br /> 12 now, Parks, places that charge admission, places that serve alcohol, and school parking lots. <br /> 13 Asked your, or any, Sheriff about the backlog of new applicants awaiting their concealed carry <br /> 14 permits for the very first time. We all vote....and we "Remember in November". <br /> 15 Commissioners, table this unnecessary study today, and instead take necessary action <br /> 16 to comply with State Law. Show support for responsible gun rights in Orange County instead of <br /> 17 irrational suppression of the same. <br /> 18 Thank you. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Jack Hunnell said he owns a small business off of St. Mary's Road, and lives close by. <br /> 21 He said the agenda item has to do with firearms safety, noise violation, and the protection of 2nd <br /> 22 Amendment rights. He said he would like to see the name of the committee reflect all of these <br /> 23 concerns. He said he would like to understand the balance of the committee, how many <br /> 24 members, and how they are appointed. He said he is not opposed to a Commissioner being a <br /> 25 part of the group. He said is interested in being on the committee. <br /> 26 Chair McKee said there is an application to participate and instructed Mr. Hunnell to <br /> 27 speak to the Clerk. <br /> 28 Ashley Desena seconded the remarks of the previous speakers. She said she is in <br /> 29 agreement with the new composition of the committee, but she hopes that all members would <br /> 30 be residents and others could be technical staff. She said she thought there were not enough <br /> 31 regular residents involved in these types of discussions. She expressed concern about having <br /> 32 law enforcement writing laws. She said she hoped that the committee is widely publicized in <br /> 33 the community. She agreed that changing the committee's name is a good idea. <br /> 34 Manford Stanfield said he strongly opposed the committee and its purpose, and existing <br /> 35 laws are sufficient. <br /> 36 Sara Conti said she and her husband are residents of Orange County, and have been <br /> 37 living in the shadow of a shooting range for several years, and it is terrifying. She said she <br /> 38 would like to be considered for the committee. She said they do not have a problem with <br /> 39 shooting, just the shooting range. <br /> 40 Michael Derling said he thought the committee is a good idea. He said he is not <br /> 41 opposed to guns, but they are dangerous, and safety should always be the main concern. He <br /> 42 said he owns guns, and it is important to give people guidance on the issue of shooting. He <br /> 43 said the facilitator would be the most important person in this group. <br /> 44 Missy Foy said she is surprised that there are objections to having this committee. She <br /> 45 said there are people here tonight that were too intimidated to attend the last meeting and she <br /> 46 herself has been threatened since the last meeting. She said safety should trump convenience <br /> 47 and firearms kill people. She said even to suggest that the gun ownership group was <br /> 48 intimidated two weeks ago is grossly false. She agreed that a facilitator is necessary. <br /> 49 Robert Smith said he has lived in Orange County for 68 years, and there have never <br /> 50 been gun issues before. He said safety is common sense but they still have a 2nd amendment. <br />