Orange County NC Website
0 <br />7 <br />USDHS, SLGGP, ODP Program Guidelines and Application Kits available at <br />htt~,// ,OMB Circulars A-21, A-$ 7, A-122, A-l2$ and A- <br />133, the U.S. DO.r OffZCe of Justice Progz•ams Financial Guide available at <br />htta://www.ojp.usdoi.~ov/ FinGuide! and the approval of the State Administrative Agent FOR <br />THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, the Secretary of Crime Control and Public Safety The <br />applicable USDHS, SLGGP, ODP Prngr•am Guidelines and Application Kits, include but may <br />not be limited to, the following: 1{fiscal Year 2005 State Homeland Sectuity Gxant Program <br />Guidelines <br />The sub-grantee may aetairr and use up to 2.5% of the awazrl amount $63,000 for management <br />and administrative purposes <br />IX. M4DIFICATI4N OF THE AGREEMENT <br />Modifications of this agreement must be in wxiting and upon approval of'both parties except as <br />modified by official USDHS, SLGGP, ODP Federal Grant Adjustment Notice (CAN).. <br />X. PRAPERTY <br />All property furnished under this agreement shall become the propexty of the AGENCY The <br />AGENCY shall be responsible for the custody and caze of any propexty fuunished for use in <br />connection with the performance of #his agreement and shall reimburse the Division of <br />Emergency Management fox any loss or damage to said property to the extent pezmitted by the <br />North Carolina Ioxt Claims Act oz other applicable laws. The Depaztment of Crime Gontrnt and <br />Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management will not be held responsible for any <br />equipment purchased by AGENCY <br />X.I. COMMI7NIGATIONS <br />To provide consistent and effective communication between the AGENCY and the Depaztment <br />of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, each party shall <br />appoint a Principal Representative(s) to sezve as its central point of contact responsible foz <br />coordinating and implementing this MOA The Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, <br />Division of Emexgency Management contacts shall be Mx. H Douglas HoeiI, Jr., Diz•ectoz; roe <br />Fitzpatrick, Homeland Security Branch Manager and Vickie Durham, Giant Manager <br />A}I confidential infoxmation of eithez party disclosed to the other pasty in connection with the <br />sexvices provided hereunder will be treated by the receiving party as confidential and restricted <br />in its use to only those uses contemplated by the texms of this Agreement Any infoxaiation <br />which is to be treated as confidential must be cleazly mazked as confidential prior to transmittal <br />to the othex patty Neither party shall disclose to thud panties, the other party's confidential <br />infoxmation without written authozi2ation to do so from the other party Specifically excluded <br />from such confidential treatment shall be information which: {i) as of the date of disclosure <br />and/or delivery, is already known to the peaty receiving such information; (ii) is oz becomes pant <br />of'the public domain, thzough no fault of the receiving party; (iii) is lawfully disclosed to the <br />receiving party by a thix•d. pazty who is not obligated to retain such infoxmation in confidence; oz <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />