Orange County NC Website
33 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CARC}L1NA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> GOAL 9: Continue to pursue available resources (innancial <br /> and non-financial) and assess and implement a County <br /> dedicated funding source(s) needed to provide the financial <br /> resources necessary to address the widening gap in <br /> affordable housing needs and available housing to meet <br /> that need in the County recognizing that lack of a reliable <br /> and on-going source of funding: <br /> 1 ) adversely impacts an increasing amount of residents that <br /> are low and modest income, seniors, with a disability and <br /> the most vulnerable; <br /> 2) seriously constrains and minimizes community efforts to <br /> meet that need; <br /> 3) Orange County values inclusive, caring, strong <br /> communities with opportunities for all residents to become <br /> self-sufficient and that affordable housing provides a <br /> fundamental foundation; and <br /> 4) available land and existing units loss are opportunities <br /> that may not be regained. <br /> strategies Action/Recommendation <br /> Encourage support for the planned County Bond Issue Mr The County Manager will assess and <br /> for schools and affordable housing and continue to increase recommend to the BOCC a dedicated <br /> community understanding of the need and benefit to the funding source(s) needed and a plan of <br /> entire County; that the proposed Bond will not only meet implementation to provide a source of <br /> critical education capital and affordable housing needs of reliable funds for affordable housing <br /> the County, but will also: starting with FY2016-1 7. <br /> 1) provide an increase in jobs, Provide and maintain a set aside of <br /> 2) reduce blight and unsafe housing conditions and funding for land banking and acquisition <br /> strengthen and improve communities; opportunities and keep this fund <br /> 3) contribute to the local economy by attracting and opportunity driven. <br /> retaining a talented, diverse and skilled workforce <br /> needed by employers; and finally, Seek and support opportunities to <br /> 4) add to the quality of life by reducing the number of partner with community and municipal <br /> residents who must commute or leave the County to partners on: 1) major projects and or <br /> have affordable housing. funding applications to federal, state and <br /> private funders and <br /> Continue to support and provide an increased source of 2) building a stronger and more productive <br /> funding beyond federal HOME funding (that still provides an relationship with local and regional financial <br /> important resource but has been significantly and institutions. <br /> increasingly reduced over the past several years) to the <br /> extent practicable for on-going affordable housing Seek and support opportunities to <br /> programs and projects by the County's local non-profit partner with community and municipal <br /> housing providers and continue to ensure priority needs are partners in carrying out the strategies and <br /> being met as well as encouraging maximum leveraging and actions of this Plan. <br /> sustainability. <br /> Continue to provide and maintain a set aside of funding <br /> for land banking and acquisition opportunities for current <br /> and future affordable housing development. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />