Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> Goal 4: Provide an adequate supply of affordable and <br /> suitable housing options for older residents to age in <br /> place, for those over housed and or priced out due to <br /> market forces, maintenance and other uncontrollable <br /> costs and promote and develop a range of affordable <br /> housing design choices and locations that allow them <br /> to remain in their community of choice in Orange <br /> County. <br /> Strategies Action/Recommendation <br /> Expand assistance in the retrofitting, repair, and I Expand the County's Urgent Repair <br /> maintenance of existing homes owned by financially Program to serve 50 to 60 senior residents <br /> challenged households, particularly those that are senior and or persons with disabilities, thereby <br /> residents. substantially reducing or practically <br /> eliminating a long waiting list to serve this <br /> Provide financial and educational assistance to population for urgent housing repair needs. <br /> qualified homebuyers; providing education and advocacy This would require an additional $1 50,000 <br /> regarding tenants' rights; and providing financial assistance to $200,000 to the current fiscal year <br /> to homeowners wanting to install indoor plumbing and/or funding level of $75,000 allocated to <br /> connect their properties to public water and sewer facilities. complete approximately 25 owner-occupied <br /> housing units of senior households and or <br /> Increase the supply of affordable, decent, safe, households with persons with a disability. <br /> sound and accessible housing for senior residents, persons <br /> with disabilities, and persons with other special needs Implement a priority that of a total <br /> through rehabilitation of existing buildings and new number of assisted units of a project or <br /> construction. program, a certain percentage should serve <br /> extremely low (30%AMI) and very low <br /> Improve the accessibility of owner occupied housing income (50%AMI) elderly persons and <br /> through rehabilitation and improve renter occupied housing persons with a disability. <br /> by making reasonable accommodations for the physically <br /> disabled and or develop programs to promote improvement <br /> of substandard renter properties. <br /> Support social service programs and facilities for the <br /> elderly, persons with disabilities, and persons with other <br /> special needs. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />