Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> GOAL 2: Increase the quantity and quality of <br /> affordable housing, and help low-income families <br /> acquire needed information, knowledge, and skills to <br /> improve their employment opportunities and reduce <br /> the number of families falling below the poverty level. <br /> S" 'es Action/RecommF"^}' <br /> Continue and strengthen collaboration between <br /> Agencies (public/private) and with municipalities in and : 1) Continue to strengthen the intra- <br /> neighboring to the County to support existing and new and inter- agency collaboration and <br /> initiatives to meet affordable housing and related service community engagement for addressing <br /> needs and to promote maximum empowerment and self- specific needs and shared and or related <br /> sufficiency of all income groups and households. goals that include affordable housing. Some <br /> of these include the Family Success Alliance <br /> Promote the development of affordable, decent, safe and staffed by the Health Department; Master <br /> sound rental housing that avoids the creation of areas of low- Aging Plan, initiatives for the Partnership to <br /> income concentration. End Homelessness, working with OWASA to <br /> reduce water consumption and increase cost <br /> Implement the County's Analysis of Impediments, the savings for tenants and homeowners, <br /> Consolidated Plan and the Housing Authority Plans. transportation, and land use. <br /> 2) In consultation with our community <br /> Improve the parks, recreational centers, trails, libraries, partners, fully utilize our community human <br /> and all public and community facilities in the County to capital assets, areas of expertise and unique <br /> provide access to these resources by all residents of the capacities and special powers to facilitate <br /> County. carrying out the goals and strategies and of <br /> the orange County Affordable Housini, <br /> Increase public safety, community policing, municipal ""- " """" This may <br /> services, and public service programs in distressed/problem include requesting our community partners, <br /> areas of the County. particularly in areas of expertise, to <br /> participate in developing guiding principles, <br /> Remove and eliminate blighting conditions through general guidelines and or design <br /> demolition of vacant, abandoned and dilapidated structures criteria/considerations for the different types <br /> infeasible for rehabilitation and provide replacement housing of housing needed and planned over the five <br /> where determined feasible and or consider for land banking. year period of the Plan. This will include <br /> engaging our Advisory Boards, Authorities <br /> Promote neighborhood revitalization in strategic areas and Commissions and other public and <br /> to improve communities of low wealth and substandard private partners in their areas of expertise <br /> conditions through acquisition, demolition, rehabilitation, such as the Orange County Housing Authority <br /> code enforcement, infrastructure, infrastructure under AR3 above to, our Municipal Partners <br /> improvements, housing construction, public and community and the collective leadership of the Board of <br /> facilities improvements, and educational and employment Orange County Commissioners (BOCC). <br /> developmental opportunities. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />