Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> Support a range of affordable housing initiatives in The County should negotiate an <br /> partnership with non-profit organizations and outreach to agreement with the Orange County <br /> the broader community to leverage state and federal funds Housing Authority to manage and <br /> to provide a range of housing opportunities for County maintain affordable housing inventory <br /> residents. owned by the County. <br /> Through a Design Competition <br /> Preserve and monitor the affordable housing stock that create and implement an innovative <br /> exists by developing strategies, tools and partnerships that development plan and designs for the <br /> allow the County to retain the supply of decent, safe, sound, larger county-owned parcel(s) <br /> and accessible housing that is affordable to low- and including the Southern Human Services <br /> moderate-income owners and renters including Center site that will include a mix of <br /> manufactured homes. affordable housing uses including <br /> workforce housing and or special <br /> Plan for possible displaced homeowners and renters of needs housing and services as suited <br /> manufactured housing that may have difficulty finding to the site and identified priority <br /> other sources of affordable housing due to rising land costs needs. <br /> and rent, expected particularly in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br /> Assess land use planning efforts <br /> Coordinate the location of higher intensity/ high to identify and provide greater <br /> density residential and non-residential development with opportunities for the joint location of <br /> existing or planned locations of public transportation, affordable housing and employment <br /> commercial and community services, and adequate centers near existing or near term <br /> supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed construction of public utilities and <br /> internet access, streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding transportation which reduces <br /> areas with protected natural and cultural resources. This commuting times, traffic congestion <br /> could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and on roadways, air emissions, and <br /> creating new mixed-use zoning districts where adequate generally improve quality of life for <br /> public services are available. families and individuals. <br /> Improve the public infrastructure through Assess land use planning efforts <br /> rehabilitation, reconstruction, and new construction that will in consultation with the developer <br /> facilitate affordable housing and economic development. community (for profit/nonprofit) to <br /> identify potential barriers to <br /> Evaluate the feasibility of incentives and utilize them development and to identify effective <br /> to stimulate the development/ production of needed incentives for Orange County to <br /> affordable low income housing and increase participation increase affordable housing options <br /> and or private investment by lenders, landlords, apartments, including exploring the success of <br /> developers and faith-based organizations. other communities and evaluating <br /> Chapel Hill's efforts to encourage <br /> developers to build affordable units <br /> as part of new developments. <br /> Utilize planning and development <br /> opportunities, related to northern and <br /> western Orange County that include <br /> the NC 57/Speedway Small Area Plan, <br /> the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan, <br /> Economic Development Zoning <br /> Districts, and the Efland Sewer Project, <br /> as well as regulations and practices <br /> contained in the Orange County <br /> Unified Development Ordinance and <br /> the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />