Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> In order to begin to meet the need for affordable housing in Orange <br /> County, particularly residents who are most cost burdened at 30% to 50 <br /> median income as discussed in the AHSP, the ASHP has a proposed <br /> overarching shared countywide goal of 1,000 affordable housing units. <br /> The shared countywide goal of 1,000 units are to be provided through <br /> acquisition, construction, urgent repair, assisted housing, and <br /> rehabilitation of the existing housing stock, over the next five (5) years. At <br /> least <br /> 500 of those units is recommended to be new assisted rental units through <br /> the proposed five million dollar Bond for affordable housing in addition to <br /> other county and public and private resources. <br /> The AHSP proposes that of the 1000 units goal 25 — 30% of the units be <br /> rental units serving extremely low and very low income households, at or <br /> below 30% — 50 % of median income (using the federal definition) and <br /> another 25 - 30% serving special needs populations including the <br /> homeless, persons with physical and or mental disabilities and seniors. <br /> The highest priority is recommended for these populations and then for <br /> individuals and households that are at or below 50 - 80% of median <br /> income for the County. <br /> The AHSP has identified ten goals with strategies provided for each goal <br /> and action and recommendations to implement them. The thirty-three <br /> Actions (A)/Recommendations(R) are listed with each goal and set of <br /> strategies. Those numbered with both A and R (AR) are <br /> Actions/Recommendations county staff is requesting to pursue <br /> immediately and or require funding decisions. With the Board's approval <br /> of the AHSP, the Director of the Department of Housing and Community <br /> Development in consultation and collaboration with other county staff and <br /> approval of the County Manager will bring back to the BOCC detailed work <br /> plans and metrics in collaboration with the community, municipal partners, <br /> Advisory Boards and County agencies as appropriate. <br /> The format of the following table presents the ten goals, by each goal and <br /> the respective plan strategies and actions (A)/recommendations (R). The <br /> actions (A)/recommendations (R) are listed and grouped with the <br /> respective goal and related strategies and are also numbered <br /> consecutively across all goals providing thirty-three <br /> actions/recommendations in all. Those numbered with both A and R (AR) <br /> are actions/recommendations county staff is requesting to pursue <br /> immediately and or require more funding decisions. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />