Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Orange County, North Carolina <br /> D. STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS AND STRATEGIES: 2016 - 2020 <br /> Affordable Housing is the foundation for achieving self-sufficiency and <br /> promotes stronger, more inclusive communities. <br /> The AHSP is intended to be a "living" affordable housing plan that <br /> provides a framework for moving forward in addressing the affordable <br /> housing needs of current and future County residents. The successful <br /> implementation of the AHSP is based in the expectation and more <br /> importantly in the commitment to work together collaboratively with the <br /> County's municipal, state and federal and other public and private <br /> community partners, Advisory Boards, Authorities and Commissions and <br /> the community at large to meet the affordable housing needs of the <br /> County. There will be many additional opportunities for public and private <br /> entities and the community to have further input into the AHSP and <br /> implementation of the goals, strategies and actions and recommendations. <br /> The ASHP builds upon the analyses, data, community-wide input, findings <br /> and strategies in the Orange County Consolidated Plan and the Analysis <br /> of Impediments to fair housing choice prepared for the Orange County <br /> HOME Consortium that is comprised of Orange County and the Town of <br /> Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill and Town of Hillsborough. The AHSP <br /> identifies the critical need for affordable housing for individuals and <br /> households of extremely and very low income and for population groups <br /> with special needs including the homeless, persons with physical and or <br /> mental disabilities and the elderly. <br /> The AHSP reviews existing affordable housing programs and tools of the <br /> County and assessments of the county's housing stock. This included <br /> examining mobile home parks of the County which provides a significant <br /> source of affordable housing, publicly owned land and other development <br /> opportunities and challenges for preserving and increasing the supply of <br /> affordable housing. The development opportunities and challenges were <br /> examined with consideration given to the County's existing and planned <br /> infrastructure and access to transportation, employment, services and <br /> other community assets. <br /> The AHSP identifies goals for the next five years, and proposes strategies <br /> and opportunities through a list of proposed actions and recommendations <br /> to meet those goals. This includes the proposed county-wide shared goal <br /> of 1,000 affordable housing units provided through acquisition, <br /> construction, urgent repair, assisted housing, and rehabilitation of the <br /> existing housing stock, over the next five (5) years. <br /> Draft Affordable Housing Strategic Plan <br />