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DocuSign Envelope ID: F859AB28-066D-45E9-BB24-D873BDC015A0 <br /> The"`Journey's End"cast includes(from left)Max Bitar, Eric Carl, Gus Allen, and Carl Martin(photo by Jonathan Young) <br /> Again, each actor developed and performed his role to perfection.Trotter(Carl Martin)and Mason(David Hudson)were <br /> notable in providing sufficient comedic relief during some of the play's more solemn moments,which were plentiful.The <br /> audience both chuckled heartily and full out laughed throughout the show, and gazed upon the scene before them with <br /> concern and heavy hearts. <br /> The characters' pain and anguish was portrayed with the utmost authenticity, and the dry humor never failed to earn at least <br /> a chuckle from the audience. Overall, Deep Dish Theater Company's March 6th presentation ofJoumey's End offered an <br /> incredibly talented performance of a remarkably well-done story. <br />