Agenda - 08-21-2007-4x
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2007
Agenda - 08-21-2007-4x
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~i <br />about capital funding, and the standards will play an important part on how to develop the <br />capital investment plan for the next ten years. There will also be an update on the impact fee, <br />and there is a contract in the works with a consultant. <br />Commissioner Gordon arrived at 7:44 PM. <br />Debbie Piscitelli asked about start up costs and if a school is expanding or adding on, <br />would the start up costs be incorporated. <br />Budget Director Donna Coffey said that they did not discuss expansion of facilities, but <br />more construction of new schools. She said that the collaboration group could discuss this at a <br />future meeting. <br />Debbie Piscitelli said that from the OCS standpoint, they are looking at building new <br />schools versus expansion and she would like to know where the start up costs come in. Donna <br />Coffey said that non-personnel start up costs have always been a part of construction <br />standards. <br />Dennis Whitling said that it looks like the numbers have changed. Donna Coffey said that <br />appendices 1-4 are the numbers from the State DPI model. <br />Jameszetta Bedford made reference to page 17 and said that the language has changed <br />about the generators. It used to say "might include," and now it says, "all will include." She was <br />not at the last collaboration meeting, and she does not know if this was a deliberate decision. <br />Donna Coffey said that this was a topic of discussion at the last meeting, and that is the wording <br />that the group decided on. She said that though they may make new schools generator-ready, <br />it would depend on the Red Cross as to which schools would be shelters. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she appreciated the staff getting her a draft of the <br />information. She made reference to the traditional versus non-traditional and said that the <br />traditional has not changed much. She asked about the definition of anon-traditional school. <br />She asked if it was acase-by-case basis and all agreed. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 13 and the last bulletin the middle of the <br />page, "Accommodate the expanding number of middle and high school athletic teams either on- <br />site oroff-site." She said that with Cedar Ridge and Carrboro High Schools, they were started <br />with core facilities and a core amount of students and then expanded to build the bigger facility. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 15 and "Future Maintenance of <br />Facility.responsibility for future facility maintenance/repairs and energy usage guarantees can <br />be assigned to the developer and not the school system." She asked if this was completely in <br />the bill and Donna Coffey said that it was. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about page 17 and the possibility of a School Capital Review <br />Team consisting of County staff and representatives from each school district. She asked about <br />the County staff. Laura Blackmon said that this is what was talked about with Jeff Thompson. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a definite improvement and the non-traditional is on <br />a case by case basis. He made one edit on page 12. Instead of "As the availability of land <br />becomes less and less," he suggested "decreases." Regarding possibilities, he would like to <br />include co-location of a library every time a school is built. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is a memorandum of understanding about co- <br />locating facilities, and this mechanism is already in place. <br />Chair Carey said that the next step is for all is to take this document back to the boards to <br />adopt as presented. <br />b. Landbanking History and Goals <br />Laura Blackmon said that this is an outgrowth of school construction standards and siting <br />schools in the future. <br />Chair Carey said that the intent was to step up the engagement of the towns and the <br />County in working with the staff and the two school systems to make sure that school sites are <br />
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