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io <br />considered as non-traditional include community recreational facilities such as a <br />gymnasium or smaller schools constructed on smaller than traditional sites. <br />3) Interior Building Space Allocations <br />a) Non-Specialized Capacity Generating Classrooms/Teaching Stations <br />Elementary - A traditional elementary school contains 25 non-specialized <br />classrooms. As stated earlier in this report, the Work Group recommends that <br />non-specialized classroom sizes for a traditional elementary school be in <br />accordance with State class size requirements as outlined in North Carolina <br />General Statute 115C-301. The Statute currently states that kindergarten <br />through third grade classrooms have capacity for 21 students per class with third <br />through fifth grade teaching stations having capacity for 26 students per class. <br />Appendix 1 of this report outlines, by grade level, the capacity and square <br />footage guidelines for a traditional elementary school. <br />Middle A traditional middle school contains 21 regular classrooms with an <br />individual class size of 26 students plus 6 science classrooms. As outlined in <br />Appendix 2 square footage for regular traditional middle school classrooms plus <br />storage total 1,014 square feet and science classrooms including lab storage <br />space, total 1,200 square feet. <br />High A traditional 1,000-student high school contains 24 academic classrooms <br />allowing for a minimum of 20 students per class in grades nine through twelve. A <br />traditional 1,500-student high school contains 40 regular classrooms allowing for <br />26 students per class in grade nine and 29 students per class in grades ten <br />through twelve. <br />Square footage for traditional academic high school classrooms allows for in- <br />room student use computers and ranges from 850 to 950 square feet per <br />classroom and square footage for science classrooms, including lab storage <br />space, range from 1,200 to 1,500 square feet. <br />Appendix 3 of this report outlines capacity and square footage guidelines for <br />a traditional 1,000 student high school and Appendix 4 provides similar <br />information for a traditional 1,500 student high school. <br />b) Specialized Classrooms <br />Specific functions of each specialized classroom determine the total square <br />footage needed for each. The narratives below provide overviews of the function <br />of each specialized classroom while Appendices 1 through 4 provide detailed <br />space profiles including square footage information for each specialized area. <br />The Work Group recommends that the existing standards for specialized rooms <br />remain unchanged for traditional model schools. <br />8 <br />