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Attachment 3 8 <br />EXCERPT FROM JULY 11, 2007 APPROVED PLANNING BOARD MINUTES <br />(Only the portion of the minutes addressing the proposed Land Use Element Text <br />Amendment is included below) <br />Agenda Item 11: QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING REFERRALS <br />a. LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT AMENDMENT -10-YEAR <br />TRANSITION AREAS <br />Presenter: Perdita Holtz <br />Perdita Holtz: Reviewed amendment. <br />Craufurd Goodwin: Is it necessary to do this in advance of the Comprehensive <br />Plan or can we wait? <br />Perdita Holtz: The reason we are doing this in advance is that the Efland- <br />Mebane plan has been adopted and since the whole comprehensive plan <br />process was derailed, there is desire to move forward on the adopted small area <br />plan. <br />Renee Price: Why can't it happen in the Efland Mebane Small area only? <br />Perdita Holtz: The Land Use Element designates the area as a 10-year <br />transition area so we need to modify the definition because only residential uses <br />are allowed now. The definition would apply to any 10-year transition area of the <br />County. We have written the language so that it applies but you have the other <br />implementing regulations before you could actually do anything. We feel it is a <br />good way to protect the areas around Hillsborough from unintended non- <br />residential uses. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: What do you mean by protect? <br />Perdita Holtz: Renee had a concern at the Quarterly Public Hearing that she <br />feels that it would allow non-residential uses around Hillsborough which is not the <br />case unless there was a small area plan adopted for the 10-year transition area <br />around Hillsborough and implementing regulations were adopted. <br />Renee Price: Why can't you do it the other way around? <br />Perdita Holtz: It would require an amendment to the Land Use Element map. <br />Renee Price: It is going to change any way. <br />Perdita Holtz: In the next year or so. <br />