Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 3 <br />PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT <br />Page 3.3-2. Change 10-YEAR TRANSITION definition. <br />Current definition: <br />10-YEAR TRANSITION. Land located in areas that are in the process of changing from <br />rural to urban, that are suitable for urban-type densities and should be provided with <br />public utilities and services within the first 10-year phase of the Pian. <br />Proposed definition: <br />10-YEAR TRANSITION. Land located in areas that are in the process of changing from <br />rural to urban densities and/or intensities, that are suitable for higher densities and/or <br />intensities and could be provided with public utilities and services within the first 10-year <br />phase of the Plan update or where such utilities and services are already present or <br />planned. Non-residential uses implemented in accordance with small area plans and/or <br />overlay districts may be appropriate. <br />"Clean" Proposed Definition: <br />10-YEAR TRANSITION. Land located in areas that are in the process of changing from <br />rural to urban densities and/or intensities, that are suitable for higher densities and/or <br />intensities and could be provided with public utilities and services within the first 10-year <br />phase of the Plan update or where such utilities and services are already present or <br />planned. Non-residential uses implemented in accordance with small area plans and/or <br />overlay districts may be appropriate. <br />