Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:299BB727-1089-451E-ADD8-553714352CF4 <br /> Supporting Documents Page 3 <br /> Curriculum for Beginning Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom <br /> Goals: Introduce participants to weaving on a rigid heddle loom,including the opportunity to warp the loom and <br /> complete a small project <br /> Materials: rigid heddle loom,yarn,weaving books and journals <br /> Basic weaving terms <br /> Planning a project,including selecting yarns and calculating yarn needs,and record keeping <br /> Winding a warp and dressing the loom <br /> Weaving on the loom to produce a small project such as a scarf or table runner including finishing techniques <br /> Outcome: Participants should leave with a second project planned and an introductory knowledge of weaving on a <br /> rigid heddle loom. <br /> Curriculum for Beginning Dyeing <br /> Goals: Introduce participants to dyeing skeins and painting warps <br /> Materials: dyeing books and resources,procion dyes,urea,soda ash,gloves and face masks <br /> Introduction to dyeing terms,the color wheel and different kinds of dyes <br /> Planning a project,including selecting yarns and calculating yarn needs,selecting colors and record keeping <br /> Winding a warp or skein,scouring the warp,preparing workspace and mixing dyes <br /> Dyeing a skein or painting a warp to produce a small project. <br /> Batching and rinsing of dyed skeins and warps. <br /> Outcome: Participants should leave with a dyed skein or warp and leave with instructions on hatching and washing <br /> the project <br /> Curriculum for Block Weaving Workshop by Robyn Spady <br /> Goals: Understand the terms"block design'and"profile draft",learn how to develop new patterns and push <br /> weaving to new limits <br /> Materials: Weaving loom and assorted yarns <br /> Outcome: Participants will become familiar with structures and how they can be manipulated into new designs and <br /> open up an unlimited number of new possibilities. <br /> 9 <br />