Orange County NC Website
<br />I~acuments. including those in electronic farm. tar inlbrmation and reference in <br />connection with the Project. C'lirnt shall not use the Design Documcnu. inctudin~ <br />those in electronic farm furnished h} Sunnnit ar its subconsultants an other <br />projects. lilt additirnl< to this Projec!" or tier the rompletian of this Project h} <br />others. without the expre>s w•rittcn consent of Summit. An} reuse ++ithnut +vrittrn <br />consent shall br m Clients risk and lull legal respunsibilit}. C'hent agrees m hold <br />hannlcss and indcmnit+ Smm~lit attd its subconsultants frirm am and all clatms. <br />suits. demand;. dam<r_r~.. hahilinrs, and ci~sts. includm~~ rcasemahlr attornr} fees. <br />ar51D°_ Itillll >UCh rCUil• <br />B) Ketention nl' Document.: Sunnnit +eill retain. pursuant to its usual dircuntcnt <br />rctrntion pohcc. records relatng to the ~l'ork tier a period of three t ~ 1 year, <br />ti~lle++•ing completion ul the ~'r'ark. During this period. record, will he made <br />available to the C'lirnt at Summit's attires during nurm<d hu.inrss hours upon <br />seven t7t dav~s rtoticr. <br />C1 Asbestos and Hazardous Materials: Unless otherwise sprcilicall} provided <br />in the Scrape of Scn ices. Summit and its subconsultants shall have no <br />responsihilih fur the discover. presence. handling. removal. ar disposal of <br />asbestos ar hazardous ire toxic materials. <br />p) 'termination and `suspension: This Agreement may he terminated by either <br />part}' upon seven t7) da}•s +vriuen notice in the event of substantial failure by the <br />other pan to prribnn in accirrdance with the terms hereof. Such trrntination <br />shall oat be effective it the substantial Cailure is renredied helim expiration of the <br />sr+•cn (i) days. C'lient's Ihilure to pay. invoices ++~ithin shirt} l.'..0) da}s shall be <br />deemed a substantial failure ur prrtiamt. In such event. Summit may unninatr <br />this .Agreement or invnediateh suspend the prrlbrnlance of senices until such <br />failure has been cured. The Client nlav terminate this Agrecntent fur its <br />ulm~enience upon fourteen t I ~F) da}s written notice. fi the event of a termination <br />Rtr com~enience. Clicnl +cill pa} Summit far sera secs pcrionned ul the termigatian <br />cti'ectice date plus reasonable termination expenses within ten (101 calendar days <br />of receipt of a final invoice. <br />In the event the prrject. or any phase of it is delayed li>r reasons beyond Summit's <br />c<lntrol. unbilled work will he invoiced at the standard hour!}' rates lily the actual <br />number of hours expended. Completed phases will he billed at lees quoted <br />herein. <br />E) Disputes: In an effort to resah~e am conflicts Iha1 arise during the design or <br />construction al'the Prgject or offer completion of the Project. all claims. disputes. <br />ar other matters in question between the panics to this rlgrerntent that aiise out of <br />ar relate G? this Agreement or the breach thereof shall he submitted to nonbinding <br />mediation belbrc a neutral third-part}• mediator acceptable ur bath parties. Such <br />mediation shall he a condition precedent to the commencement of any Irgal action <br />arising out of this Agreement csccpt those legal proceedings related to Client's <br />failure to pay. <br />The mediation shall br conducted in ^ccordance with the Construction <br />Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Assaciatinn currently in <br />effect wlless the parties agree alhe,rwise. The cost of the mediator shall be borne <br />equal!}' by the parties. A demand for mediation shall be made within a reasonable <br />time alicr the claim, dispute or other matter has arisen. to no event shall such <br />demand br made offer the date applicable statutes of limitation or repose would <br />bar a legal or equitable action based on such claim. dispute or other matter. <br />6t the event of litigation relating to the sufficiency or adequacy of <br />performance o1` services called Ibr by this Agreement, should Summit obtain a <br />judgment dismissing Clients aetiat or claim or other resolution wherein Summit <br />is not required to make compensation to Client in excess of its final offer made to <br />Client in the mediation. Summit shall he entitled to recover all casts incurred in <br />dtc defense ol'the claim including staff time, court costs, expert witness fees. and <br />reasonable attorneys fees and other claim related expenses. <br />F) Choice of t:aw•/~'enue: "f)tis Agreement shall he governed by the laws of the state <br />in +vhich the Summit office identified below is located. without regard to its Ia++ of <br />conflict of la++s. An} legal action or proceeding shall be vonued in the State or federal <br />Court nearest the municipalin• in +vhich Summit's office is located. <br />G) Statute of Limitations/Repose: Cause; of action prrtainin_~ u> this Agrcemrm <br />shall he deemed to ha+r acenrt:d and the applicable stannes of limitation and repose <br />shall a7nuncncr to run at Ihr earlier of either the dart al' Substantial Completiint of the <br />I'mjcct or the dart Summa's sen•icr< are suhstmmiall+ complete. <br />li) Assigns: Neither the i sent nor Summit ntay drlr;!ate. assicn. nr transfer hi: <br />dunes ur mtrrest in this :~~~rccnlcnt +vithout cansrnt ol'thr other pan. r~crpt Summit <br />mar in its discretion utilise qualified subconsultants ul the prrlirnnancr of the SCirpe <br />of Scn ices. <br />ll bocce Majeure: \either pan} u? this .-~~~rcrmcnt shall be liable to the rasher liar <br />delays in perlilnning the uhligutions called lire M this Agreement. or the direct and <br />indirect txlsts rsulting tirnn such delays. that arc caused h+ labor strikes. riots. ++ur. <br />acts of savcmm~ent authorities. axtraordinan weather ,anditirms or other natural <br />catastrophe. or an} other cause beyond the rcasonablc control ur contenlplalion of <br />either pan}. <br />.1) ~o !'bird-Part}• [3eneficiaries: Nirthine in this .-}~~rcemcnt shall create a <br />contractual relationship with ar gi+•e any ri_ht or brnclit to :ulv third pan. <br />K) Severability, Reformation and 4un•ival: If an~• pro+isian in this Agreement is <br />held in+'alid. rllr~tat• or unenforcruhlc. the rnforceabilit}• of the rentainin, pro+i;iuns <br />shall not be impaired thereby The invalid. ille_al or uncnlirrcrahle provision ;hall br <br />replaced by a munrall+• acceptable provision. +vhich, hein~~ valid. Ir~al and <br />rnlitrceahle. comes closest to the parties' intention underlying the invalid, illegal or <br />unenforceable provision. Limitations nl' liability. indrmnitirs. and other express <br />representatianssball sun ivr termination ol'this .Agreement file any cause. <br />IJ Risk :Ulocation/Limitation of Liabilih•_ Client and Summit hove discussed the <br />risks. rewards. and [hr benclit of the project and Summit's total fee lie sera ices. The <br />risks have been allocated such that the C !sent agrees that to dlc tallest extent permitted <br />h}• law'. Summit's total liuhilir} to C'Iient and construction contractors and <br />suhcontraetilrs far an}• and all injuries. claims. losses. expenses. damages or claims <br />exprnxs arising out of this .Agreement from any cause or causes. is limited to and <br />shall oat exceed Summits fee ar SZ?C1,000 whichzver is smaller. Such causes include <br />but are not limited to design prafcssimtal's negligence. negligent misrepresentation. <br />errors. omissions, strict liabilir.• and breach of contract. !fisher limits of liability are <br />available fir a negotiated fee. <br />~I) lndcmnification: "fo the fullest extent permitted by Ia+y. Client agrees to <br />indemnify and hold harnlless Summit. its officers. directors. employees. agents. and <br />subconsultants Pram all claims. damages. injuries, liabilities. casts and expenses. <br />including rcasonablc attanle}•s fees arising Intro or claimed to arise lion the acts. <br />omissions, negligence. fault. breach of contract. breach of +earranh~. nr strict liabilih <br />of Client or its employees. agents. contrachlrs and subcomractors. <br />~) .Consequential Datitages: ?`ot+vithstanding any other provision ol'this :\grermcnt <br />and to dle tallest extent permitted bylaw. neither Client our Summit shall he liable fi?r <br />any consequential dmnages incurred dui: to the fault of the other party regardless of <br />the nature of the I•ault or whether it +yas committed by Client. Summit. their <br />employees. agents, subconsultants or subcontractors. Consequential damages inchtdr. <br />but are oat limited to. loss of use and loss ofprolit. <br />O} Complete .Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire a•_reenlent between <br />the parties hereto and supersedes all previous undcrstandines and agreements with <br />respect to the Project or any of [he provisions herenl: Na statement. promise. <br />condition..undt:rstanding. inducement. or representation. oral ar written. expressed or <br />implied, which is oat contained herein shall be binding or valid and this Agreement <br />shall not be changed, modified or altered in any manner except by an instrument in <br />writing executed by the panics hereto. <br />fty signing this :~creement. you are consenting to the 'terms and Conditions set forth herein. Plrasc retain a copy for yourself and return a signed original k> Summit. <br />Client Orange County. Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC <br />. Address 1000 Corporate Drive. Suite 101 <br />City State Ni. borough C 27278 <br />i3y By ~ )' l .(..Li r <br />lSi~~naturr) Itirgnaturcj <br />Don Dewey, PE <br />(Print Name! (Print! <br />Daie Date Jule 18.3007 <br />L:/Ceotechnical/C:onn•acts/Orange Counq• Purchasing Dept - Phase t F.S:1 .lustice Facilit}'.1I)Ilsborough.doc (3 of 3) <br />