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VICE-CHAIR: shall perform duties as delegated by the Chair; in the absence of the <br />Chair, preside and perform the duties of the Chair; and shall carry out other duties <br />described in subsequent articles of these bylaws. <br />MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: shall be responsible for membership activities, including <br />recruiting new members; contacting prospective applicants to assess interest in the <br />CFW; assuring appropriate representation of membership as outlined in <br />Article IV, Section 1. <br />ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS <br />SECTION 1. MAJORITIES. Officers must be elected by a majority of the members, <br />quorum presumed. <br />SECTION 2. PROCESS. Voting shall occur at the June meeting. The Nominating <br />Committee will prepare a single slate and present it to the membership two weeks in advance of <br />the June meeting at which time the elections will be held. Nominees must agree in advance to <br />serve if elected. Nominations from the floor may be made. Voting shall be done by secret <br />ballots according to the Open Meeting Law, North Carolina General statute 143-318.13(b). The <br />Nominating Committee Chair shall marshal voting. The Nominating Committee Chair and the <br />Director shall announce the election results immediately. <br />SECTION 3. ABSENTEE VOTES. Absentee votes may be cast during the week prior to <br />the June meeting. Members expecting to be absent from elections shall contact the Nominating <br />Committee Chair to vote. Write-in votes are permitted on absentee ballots if the write-in <br />candidate has previously consented to serve if elected. <br />voting. <br />SECTION 4. TIE VOTES. In order to break a tie vote, the Chair shall abstain from <br />ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES <br />SECTION 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of no <br />less than three (3) but no more then five (5) members and shall include the Chair, Vice-Chair, <br />Membership Chair, and the immediate past Chair (who must be a current member). The Director <br />shall serve as anon-voting, ex-ofl icio member. The Executive Committee shall have the <br />authority to transact business between meetings; make recommendations regarding the policies <br />and procedures of the commission; advise the Chair; provide guidance in the development of <br />strategic plans and annual objectives during regular Commission meetings; recommend changes <br />in the bylaws subject to the adoption by the Commission and approval of the County <br />Commissioners and make recommendations to the Commission for Women to forward to the <br />County Commissioners. Should a tie vote occur, the issue shall be brought before the entire <br />Commission. All business transacted by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the <br />Commission membership. A transitional meeting will occur between retiring, newly elected <br />officers, and staff at the August executive committee meeting. <br />CFW Bylaws PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 08/21/2007 Page 4 of 7 <br />