Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a status update regarding limiting the traffic <br /> from the parking lot across from Hillsborough BBQ. <br /> Margaret Hauth said that issue is sitting with the DOT now, awaiting approval, but there <br /> are plans to do major renovations to this area. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the traffic light at the corner of Nash and West King is <br /> seven seconds long, which is simply not enough time. <br /> Margaret Hauth said she would pass the concern along to the DOT. <br /> 4. Information Items (Written Updates - Not for Specific Discussion) <br /> a) Solid Waste / Recycling (COUNTY— Gayle Wilson) <br /> b) Bond Referendum (COUNTY— Gary Donaldson) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Earl McKee, Chair <br /> Donna Baker, <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />