Minutes 02-25-2016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-25-2016
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3/23/2016 8:28:05 AM
Creation date
3/23/2016 8:22:19 AM
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Agenda - 02-25-2016 - Agenda for BOCC and Hillsborough Board of Commissioners
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Commissioner Ferguson said she hopes that the County will support what the Town <br /> supports. She said adjoining neighbors do not want this park and ride lot in a prime <br /> commercial area. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if there are advantages or disadvantages to having them <br /> separate or together. <br /> Margaret Hauth said it is ideal to co-locate, as it is most efficient. She said Go <br /> Triangle's is of the perspective that they are serving commuters, and thus the transfer facility <br /> being located at New Hope Church is acceptable. She said the Town's perspective that this is <br /> a commuter service, but it also important to access the transit dependent population by placing <br /> a transfer location in the community. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if neighbors want the option supported by the Town. <br /> Commissioner Ferguson said access to transportation was voiced as being highly <br /> important during neighborhood information meetings. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she is glad that the Go Triangle presentation was <br /> postponed, since it was good to hear the Town's reasons for supporting the version of the park <br /> and ride lot that it did. <br /> Commissioner Bell asked if there is a proposed timeline to have all the options laid out <br /> and a decision made. <br /> Margaret Hauth said it would depend on the option that is chosen. She said Go <br /> Triangle is determining the specific timeline. She said Go Triangle is anxious to get started. <br /> Margaret Hauth said most of this funding is already available through the bus and rail <br /> investment plan. <br /> Commissioner Lowen said the New Hope Church parking lot is already paved and <br /> would need fewer improvements. <br /> Chair McKee agreed with the Town's comments and their support of the New Hope <br /> Church location. He says his main concern is convenience for the residents, not convenience <br /> for Go Triangle. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if Mayor Stevens could please provide the Town Board's <br /> minutes from these types of discussions to the BOCC for future issues. <br /> Margaret Hauth said these presentations were lined up for both boards to discuss <br /> individually and collectively. <br /> Commissioner Price suggested providing an update to the community in the form of a <br /> flyer in both English and Spanish. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this can be done. <br /> c) Churton Street Improvements <br /> TOWN Staff: Margaret Hauth <br /> Margaret Hauth said notification from DOT was received, permitting construction to <br /> proceed. She reviewed the following information: <br /> The current schedule would allow the bus stop work near the Justice Facility to begin in May <br /> 2016 as the first portion of the construction work. The downtown construction phase would <br /> last about 10 months, wrapping up in January 2017. In Spring 2017, NCDOT has scheduled <br /> the resurfacing of Churton Street. Once that is complete, the stamped crosswalks and final <br /> clean-up can take place. The best estimate right now for full completion is the end of calendar <br /> year 2017. The town will have a meeting with downtown businesses as soon as a contractor <br /> has been secured so that full details of timing can be discussed and adjusted to the extent <br /> feasible. Town staff acknowledges that the construction schedule is not the desired schedule <br /> for local businesses, but construction of this type cannot take place in January-March. <br />
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