Orange County NC Website
Name: Ronald and Vivian King Page 6 <br />Address: 406 Split Rail Lane <br />City: Hillsborough, N.C. 27278 <br />Phone: 732-7313 <br />Date: May 1, 2007 <br />MECIiANICAL: <br />Properly disconnect the existing ductwork and power to the hall heat pump. <br />Remove the heat pump and condensing unit. Supply and install a new split <br />system heat pump. Install a new equipment pad in the existing location, install <br />new refrigeration lines and drain lines. Unit to be sized in accordance with <br />ASHRAE/Manual "J" specifications. Attach existing ductwork to furnace. <br />Make all electrical and mechanical connections per code. A permit is required <br />for both elechical and mechanical and all work must pass inspection with Orange <br />County Inspections. Note: Filter grill area to meet code for size of unit. <br />Ali components to match properly. Install a new digital programmable <br />thermostat and new floor registers in all rooms. Note: Price submitted for HVAC <br />shall be a complete operational system. <br />$ <br />ELECTRICAL: <br />1. Install a new exterior light fixture at the side door. Make all electrical <br />connections. Owner to approve finish. Fixture allowance $ 25.00 <br />$ <br />2. Install globes on all interior light fixtures. Owner to approve type/ <br />finish. $ <br />3. Install GFI protected receptacles in both bathrooms and kitchen. <br />All receptacles that require GFI to be installed. $ <br />4. Install arc-fault intet7-upter circuits on the bedroom circuits. <br />111sta11 approved arc-fault breakers in the existing panel. $ <br />S. Install a service receptacle/circuit within Oft of the condensing unit. <br />New receptacle shall meet code. $ <br />6. Install two light fixtures in the crawlspaee controlled by a switch <br />located with aft of the crawlspaee door opening. Make all electrical <br />connections per code. $ <br />