Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> 1 because I have houses within 1000' of my house. I don't shoot a lot but when I do I have always <br /> 2 used the skills taught during hunter education class and common sense. As long as I am <br /> 3 shooting into a low area on my own property (no chance for the bullet to travel further than I <br /> 4 want) what is the problem. I am one of the few public service members that can afford to still <br /> 5 live in Orange Co and if you run us out who will provide public safety? I am living in the house <br /> 6 my grand parents built when they came to Orange County and I love serving the citizens of <br /> 7 Orange County just as you do. I ask that you take some time to review this matter and <br /> 8 understand that one bad resident (shooter) does not represent all the citizens of Orange County <br /> 9 and we the people elect you to serve all of Orange County. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Thank you for your time and consideration to do what is right. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Scott Hackler <br /> 14 Resident of the Efland Community <br /> 15 <br /> 16 <br /> 17 To: Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> 18 <br /> 19 From: Mary Darlene Yates <br /> 20 Robert Terry Woods <br /> 21 <br /> 22 This email is in response to the scheduled meeting of February 16th, 2016 regarding <br /> 23 amendment to the Code of Ordinances regarding Discharge of Firearms. As an owner of <br /> 24 property in Orange County, I strongly disagree with any amendments to the Code of <br /> 25 Ordinances which limits or prohibits the use of firearms on private property. My property is not <br /> 26 within city limits and was bought because I do not wish to live in or near a town or city and be <br /> 27 subjected to all the restrictions which are placed upon my freedoms. I have been a resident of <br /> 28 Orange County for many years and my father's family has owned land here since the early <br /> 29 1900s. One of the parcels I own is part of that land and is very precious to me. There are <br /> 30 already too many restrictions in this county and I most certainly am against any more being <br /> 31 added. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 I lived on Palmer's Grove Road, when my land was going to be made part of Eno State Park <br /> 34 and had property owners not banded together, the land would have gone to the park. I also <br /> 35 remember when Orange County was going to place a dump close to my home in northern <br /> 36 Orange County on Guess Road, Rougemont (Orange County) NC. Once again landowners <br /> 37 banded together and fought it. There is now a park where the dump was going to be. <br /> 38 remember that when asked where the construction trash would primarily be coming from; the <br /> 39 answer was Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill seems to run this county, but there are those who would <br /> 40 love for them to form their own county and leave the rest of us alone. If you want to live where <br /> 41 you will not hear gunfire or be near an area where firearms are discharged, move to <br /> 42 town, preferably the town of Chapel Hill. In both of the above incidences, the county of <br /> 43 Orange tried quietly to slip these past the citizens it would affect. <br /> 44 Once again, I find myself looking at the same scenario, just a different subject. I have my <br /> 45 conceal/carry permit and target practice on my land. There are "No Trespassing" signs posted <br /> 46 and that should be sufficient. I strongly suggest that you withdraw your proposal to the above <br /> 47 amendment. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Sincerely, <br /> 50 <br />