Agenda - 03-22-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-22-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-22-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
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Last modified
3/18/2016 12:31:45 PM
Creation date
3/18/2016 12:29:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-22-2016
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27 <br /> 1 country. I also spent 13 years in the Kern County Sheriff's Office as an unpaid volunteer. I <br /> 2 recently retired and decided to move back "home" because I miss my roots. Returning to NC to <br /> 3 get away from California seem to be the right choice. Now I find myself regretting my return to <br /> 4 Orange County. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 My comments regarding this proposed ordinance: You are going to require the land owners to <br /> 7 have signs placed every 100 feet around the property and 300 feet inside the property line. <br /> 8 First, most of us property owners don't know the exact location of our property line, so how do <br /> 9 you propose to enforce this requirement? Are you going to survey our property for us to <br /> 10 provide the exact lines and then measure each of the many signs to ensure they are 300 feet <br /> 11 inside the line? Is the county going to supply the warning signs? Also, very few land owners <br /> 12 have enough property to comply with your requirements which makes this ordinance appear to <br /> 13 be an attack on lawful gun owners. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 I agree that safety is paramount when discharging a firearm and an ordinance will provide some <br /> 16 guidelines to ensure that safety measures are in effect during those times that gun owners like <br /> 17 to target practice or "sight in" a hunting rifle...but I believe your proposal is much to extreme. <br /> 18 have read some alternate proposals that you have been provided to you. I urge you to consider <br /> 19 these proposals and not make this so difficult on us land and legal gun owners. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Thank you for your time. <br /> 22 Roy Coe <br /> 23 <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Dear Commissioners, <br /> 26 <br /> 27 It has been brought to my attention, as an Orange county resident, that there is a proposed <br /> 28 ordinance to be discussed in regards to firearms discharge in the county today. As a taxpayer <br /> 29 feel the right to be heard. I am very opposed to any such ordinance and consider it an <br /> 30 infringement of my rights. This issue needs to be tabled until further research can be done. If <br /> 31 this nonsense passes today, you better believe our voice will be heard during the next election. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Best Regards, <br /> 34 Brian Call <br /> 35 Orange County Resident <br /> 36 <br /> 37 <br /> 38 I am a concerned citizen of Orange County. I will start by saying I have been in Orange County <br /> 39 all of my life (40 years). I have learned about the amendment to the code of Ordinances in <br /> 40 reference to using Fire Arms on PRIVATE property. From what I'm reading an individual will <br /> 41 basically have to own 8 acres of land with no structures on the land in order to use firearms for <br /> 42 recreational purposes. This is absolutely ridiculous! The liberal democrats of Chapel Hill are <br /> 43 slowly but surely ruining Orange County. We already have the highest property taxes in the <br /> 44 state and now you're going to to start telling owners of private property what they can and can't <br /> 45 do on THEIR land. People move out into the county for a reason, it's called freedom! My wife <br /> 46 and I will be entering the housing market in a few months. I can promise you if this passes I will <br /> 47 not be looking in Orange County, for the first time in my life I will moving out of Orange County. <br /> 48 I also understand that this a knee jerk reaction to a problem with a particular land owner in <br /> 49 Orange County. If that's the case there has to be some other way to deal with someone using <br />
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