Agenda - 03-22-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-22-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-22-2016 - 6-a - Minutes
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3/18/2016 12:31:45 PM
Creation date
3/18/2016 12:29:59 PM
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Minutes 03-22-2016
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14 <br /> 1 Dallas Taylor said he is concerned about this ordinance, as it curtails the rights of those <br /> 2 that do not own big properties, or are not rich. He said he is opposed to the ordinance. He said <br /> 3 if this ordinance is passed, the range where he, and many others practice would have to move <br /> 4 or be shut down. He said he understands and is willing to be considerate, but at the same time <br /> 5 he wants to be able to exercise his rights. He said law enforcement needs areas to train, and to <br /> 6 be able to train their own kids. He said turkey shoots would be cut off if the time limitations <br /> 7 were imposed. <br /> 8 David Brown said he has been in Orange County for 33 years and his children were <br /> 9 trained to shoot. He reviewed all the elements of the ordinance which he found to be <br /> 10 unacceptable. He said one of the things that makes rural Orange County the way it is are the <br /> 11 people and their customs. He would prefer they do away with the ordinance entirely. He has <br /> 12 forwarded the proposed ordinance to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Institute for <br /> 13 Legislative Action. <br /> 14 Don O'Leary said the proposed ordinance is not constitutional and should be thrown out. <br /> 15 He said the second amendment was put in the constitution in case of a tyrannical government, <br /> 16 so that the citizens could protect themselves. <br /> 17 Jack Hunnell said he farms 25 acres and he likes to hunt and fish on this property. He <br /> 18 said his neighbor has 155 acres, and the State regulates a lot of these. He said Chair McKee <br /> 19 should have gathered more input from broader areas to involve them in this discussion. He <br /> 20 asked the BOCC to table the issue until further discussion can occur. <br /> 21 Larry Roberts said the BOCC needs to decide what it is trying to accomplish. He said <br /> 22 he too reviewed the abstract information and he did not find a situation or complication, but <br /> 23 rather he only found resolution. He asked if the goal is safety, noise or firearms regulations. <br /> 24 He said he shoots for several reasons, including shooting varmints, such as copperhead <br /> 25 snakes, in his barn in order to protect his grandchildren when they visit, as well as his <br /> 26 neighbors. He said the ordinance is confusing as to what is restrictive and what is not <br /> 27 restrictive. He asked if the BOCC has considered the funds it will take to enforce this <br /> 28 ordinance, both for additional law enforcement, as well as litigation. He said do not dismiss <br /> 29 these concerned citizens as northern Orange gun owners but rather consider them to be <br /> 30 concerned citizens that can help keep this county safe. <br /> 31 Brad Burton said most of his points have been addressed. He is a life-long resident of <br /> 32 Orange County and was taught to be a responsible gun owner on three acres of land. He said <br /> 33 these skills, and the opportunity to practice them, helped to shape his life. He said he wants to <br /> 34 teach his son the same life lessons on the three acres that his family now lives on. He said this <br /> 35 proposal imposes on his rights as a gun owner as well as his second and ninth amendment <br /> 36 rights. <br /> 37 Rick Perry said BOCC meetings do not start before 7:00 p.m. in order to allow working <br /> 38 citizens the opportunity to attend. He said this same common sense should apply to this <br /> 39 ordinance. He said if one has a job and does not get home till 6:00 pm, one cannot practice <br /> 40 shooting with this proposal. He said he has a berm, and the proposed regulations are <br /> 41 excessive and unreasonable. He said if the proposed signage is put in place, the properties will <br /> 42 look ridiculous. He said areas available for shooting are decreasing rapidly and asked if <br /> 43 Orange County has a place for law enforcement to practice shoot. <br /> 44 Steve Hopper said he is from Efland and intended to ask if any harmful incidents had <br /> 45 preceded this proposed ordinance. He said the earlier speaker enlightened him of issues that <br /> 46 are problematic. He said he greatly empathizes with her situation and believed it should be <br /> 47 addressed, but this ordinance is no help to her in his opinion. He said the concepts in the <br /> 48 proposed ordinance are excessive. He said he does not hunt but he grows crops and he has <br /> 49 authority from the State to kill animals that attack his crops. He said he finds enforcement of <br /> 50 this ordinance is another issue. He said he is in favor of rejecting this. <br />
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