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Colonel Montes de Oca said that he agreed, and when he came in he realized that <br /> documentation was one of the needs. He said that he has been given documentation from his <br /> staff, other fire departments, other rescue squads, and people from the community that <br /> someone was going to get hurt or killed if the actions were not stopped. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that none of the County Commissioners were at these <br /> locations, and they have to trust the staff to gather the data and respond to problems. He said <br /> that he may have had some concerns about the process, but we are where we are and he <br /> would like to set a course for the future that will allow everyone to make the best decision in the <br /> public's interest. He does have problems with not having things written down, because if it is <br /> not written down, then it does not exist as far as he is concerned. However, he knows that there <br /> are occasions when you have to act on and respond to verbal indications of problems. He <br /> encouraged both parties to try and address these problems and provide the Board with written <br /> indications of which direction to go. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that most of her questions were asked at the initial <br /> meeting. She said that it would seem to her that moving forward, she has also learned what <br /> appears to be an unwillingness to cooperate. It seems like someone would have been <br /> designated in Chief Matthews' absence to respond to questions from the County, and someone <br /> should have responded from Emergency Services if Colonel Montes de Oca was not present. <br /> She said that there is a perception in the community that Orange Rescue is a necessary unit. <br /> Moving forward, she thinks that there has to be a meeting of the minds between the two groups, <br /> and an understanding that any unwillingness to move forward in a cooperative manner does not <br /> work in anybody's best interest. She said that, without due process, you cannot hold anybody <br /> accountable, and it does not appear that due process occurred in this situation. She hopes that <br /> there can be willingness and an effort to resolve this issue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that certainly due process needs to be followed. She also <br /> thinks that Commissioners need to be notified. She cannot think of any explanation why the <br /> County Commissioners were not notified before the stand down happened because one of the <br /> ultimate responsibilities of the County Commissioners is public health and safety. She said that <br /> finishing the study would be a big help. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the long list of problems is alleged because there is nothing <br /> documented. He said that incidences either need to be documented or dropped. He would also <br /> like to have a specific deadline. He said that one of the cardinal sins in journalism is the <br /> misspelling of someone's name, and Chief Matthews' name is misspelled throughout the <br /> document. <br /> He supported Commissioner Gordon's comment that it has been too long for the fire and <br /> rescue study and it is a shame that nothing has been done to pursue this report. He would like <br /> to have someone come back to the Board with a timetable for a study. He said that the County <br /> should set the example, and if someone asks for public information, they need a response. He <br /> would like a specific date. <br /> Colonel Montes de Oca said that by the end of this week he can give an idea of a <br /> timeline. Secondly, he can give a response for the interaction with the rescue squad. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that the update to the Board be next Tuesday. He said that, in <br /> July, it was agreed that the two entities would get together and come up with a plan for <br /> addressing the issues with training (i.e., what is required and where the deficiencies lie). He is <br /> expecting that this will be reinitiated and the last two months will be thrown out as a false start. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked that everything be in writing. <br /> Chief Matthews said that they have already gone two months and he would like for the <br /> County Commissioners to address the issue of whether or not it was a valid order that was <br /> given to stand down. He does not know if this was a legal, valid order. If it is in contradiction to <br /> County ordinances and law, it is not a valid order. <br />