Orange County NC Website
Chair Jacobs said that there was some confusion on 6-10 about bright leaf tobacco and <br /> flue cured tobacco and there was a footnote about it that they are interchangeable. He asked <br /> that this be clarified so that it is consistent. <br /> On 6-15, line 23, and the importance of preserving agricultural land, he suggested <br /> encouraging the private preservation of open space. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if anything was added on 6-22 about forestry practices and not <br /> burning on ozone alert days, notification of adjoining property owners before a controlled burn or <br /> clear cut. It was answered no, and Chair Jacobs asked that this be added. <br /> At the bottom of page 6-42, footnote#40, he asked if Mebane was included. It was <br /> answered no. Staff will add Mebane to this and that it does not have a historic district. This <br /> should also be reflected on 6-51, lines 15-16, about Historic District Commissions. <br /> On 6-50, green building, he asked if there was any discussion on the advantages of <br /> deconstruction versus demolition. It was answered that this was mentioned. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about 6-77, line 16, and that stream buffers are 65 feet on both <br /> sides of the stream. He asked if it was a total of 130 feet or 65 feet, bisected by the stream. It <br /> was answered that it was 65 feet on each side of the stream. Staff will clarify this language. <br /> On 6-86, he asked if there was some discussion on objective WR2 and WR3 about <br /> stormwater credits. <br /> On 6-95, he asked if it was mentioned that Orange County has worked with Durham <br /> County, Triangle Land Conservancy, and Eno River Association. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 6-7 and asked to flag this for clarification <br /> — a balance of cultural and natural resources or an appreciation of cultural and natural <br /> resources. <br /> Chapter 7 <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to 7-13, PR5-1, #19 and asked about islands of <br /> habitat. The staff will research this. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to 7-4, key issues, and said that one of the relevant things <br /> is that the County has already spent some money assisting with Little River Regional Park to <br /> achieve the master plan, but it is not mentioned here. The Little River Regional Park was also <br /> achieved with two non-profit land trusts, and that is not indicated. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to the New Hope Creek Preserve and that it should <br /> mention Triangle Land Conservancy and a neighborhood organization as partners. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he has a question about whether some of the other properties <br /> that have been purchased but have no adopted plans will be added. Examples are Blackwood <br /> Farm at New Hope, Julia Blackwood Farm, and Schley/Mincey Road property. He thinks that <br /> they ought to be listed. <br /> Commissioner Carey left at 8:26 pm. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to 7-13, line 33, and linear parks, or wildlife corridors, or <br /> greenways. He asked if these were interchangeable terms and it was answered yes. <br /> Chapter 8 <br /> Tom Altieri said that a brief discussion has been added of the one million gallon per day <br /> allocation of water held within Jordan Lake to Orange County. <br /> There was also a new objective added, PS-T-8, "Maintain a radio communication system <br /> that ensures reliable notification and control of emergency assets throughout Orange County." <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what "control of emergency assets" means. Planning <br /> Director Craig Benedict said that this could be telecommunication towers that are part of the <br /> emergency system. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that there should be clarifying language that makes it clear <br /> what the assets are. <br />