Orange County NC Website
Programming includes early childhood development programs, youth and adult training and <br /> leagues across multiple sports. RP facilities offer a wide range of sports activities: Soccer <br /> programs for youths starting at the age of eighteen months and adults, lacrosse, basketball, <br /> volleyball and baseball programs. After school, summer camp and intersession programs <br /> provide an active alternative to traditional day care programs. <br /> Project Scope <br /> RP Deliverables: <br /> • 60,000 Square feet in-door Turf, Court and child camp facility. <br /> • Building constructed by a RP partner builder of commercial buildings in the <br /> Triangle for over 35 years. <br /> • Building, Up fit and Sports Equipment provided as a complete Turnkey. <br /> County Deliverables: <br /> • Orange County to subsidize $175,000 Year One Start-up Costs. Project fully <br /> breakeven Year two onward. <br /> • Contribute land to the project. <br /> Optional Synergies: <br /> • Potential further synergy with RP providing all outdoor programming (it is <br /> projected that if the Outdoor programming were to be part of the public/private <br /> partnership that the incremental revenue from the outdoor fields to the venture <br /> would make the project breakeven at year one and not require the $175,000 <br /> first year subsidy. <br /> • Potential to add a seasonal outdoor ice rink as a major Orange County <br /> destination attraction. This could be operational by Fall 2009. <br /> Location <br /> Twin Creeks Park. The indoor facility use would be approximately five acres on the Park site <br /> plus shared parking. Residents would have access to state-of-the-art in-door recreation <br /> amenities in their own community creating a less intensive use than previously planned for the <br /> site. The proposal is to place a 60,000 sq.ft. concrete tilt up building with an attractive façade <br /> and to provide all required fit up and sports infrastructure equipment, all as a turn key <br /> recreation facility. Since the majority of the use is after school and on weekends this use <br /> encourages less traffic impacts at peak hours. We would expect additional synergies to be <br /> created with the County's planned outdoor park facilities on the same site, including the <br /> feasibility of RP managing the recreational facilities (soccer fields and baseball/softball) to <br /> maximize staffing and site synergies. <br /> Economic Impact <br />