Orange County NC Website
Dave Stancil answered several other clarifying questions. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would have concerns about having something other <br /> than a paved trail that far away because of things such as emergencies, etc. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it sounds like a paved trail would be preferable and <br /> there is money for this. Dave Stancil said that the preliminary estimates are $850,000. There <br /> is $1.4 million remaining in the Twin Creeks account. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought there was agreement that the Saponi name <br /> would continue to be used, as well as Twin Creeks. It is disappearing from the documents. <br /> Dave Stancil agreed. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that Commissioner Gordon was on the master plan <br /> committee for this and he would like to share the master plan with the new Commissioners to <br /> give them the background. This should be done with all plans. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the five acres that Orange County owns and Dave <br /> Stancil said that it is forested and was dedicated as open space by the Fox Meadows <br /> subdivision. He asked about the bridge and if it would have to be constructed, and staff <br /> answered that it would probably be a prefabricated bridge. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she is in favor of the paving the trail in the linear park and the <br /> Board concurred. <br /> Dave Stancil said that he would come back with a proposal on how to proceed. He <br /> then went through the private/public partnership issue, as shown below: <br /> Project Prospectus prepared for Orange County <br /> Twin Creeks Family Recreation Center <br /> Executive Summary <br /> Purpose <br /> To build a sport, recreation and child care/activity center utilizing a private/public partnership <br /> between Orange County and Recreation Partners on the County owned Park Property known <br /> as Twin Creeks. This could be a combination outdoor and indoor facility. <br /> Background <br /> It is assumed that there is a strong demand for quality recreation, child care and activity based <br /> services for the growing needs of Orange County residents. Outdoor fields can support some <br /> of this demand but there remains a need for seasonal infrastructure as well as providing a safe <br /> and environmentally protected environment for the needs of young children. The indoor facility <br /> also contemplates a hardwood gym for related activities under the assumption this type of <br /> space is also in scarce supply throughout Orange County. <br /> Recreation Partners (RP) has a proven track record operating the Triangle Sportsplex without <br /> seeking additional County funds/subsidies to sustain operations. <br /> RP has a long history of being NC's leading provider of quality recreational sports and <br /> programming in a family friendly, safe and clean environment. <br />