Minutes - 20090210 Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20090210 Work Session
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Last modified
3/21/2016 11:48:32 AM
Creation date
3/15/2016 2:01:02 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 02-10-2009 - Agenda
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construction or opening of the facility (there is work underway on building stabilization). <br /> Constructing a linear park and trail within the sewer easement would show results from the <br /> bond funds, likely within the currently available funds. <br /> Coordination with the Master Plan —A trail in the sewer easement is not inconsistent with the <br /> master plan, but was not envisioned to be the main connection to the school. However, the <br /> sewer easement may have presented an opportunity to revise the plan. If a trail is not within <br /> the sewer easement, the northernmost and southernmost segments of the trail must be <br /> designed in a way mindful of the future school facility and park construction on the site, to <br /> ensure the trail is not located in a way that constrains future plans. <br /> Town and/or Community Participation —The construction of a permanent trail (designed for <br /> transportation as much as leisure) connecting Lake Hogan Farms to Morris Grove Elementary <br /> is a broader function than serving Twin Creeks Park and educational campus, and more a <br /> pedestrian corridor serving a larger northern Carrboro community need. Should the Town <br /> participate in the cost and construction of such a greenway? Should the Town maintain and <br /> operate the trail? Additionally, there appears to be community sentiment toward volunteer <br /> assistance in the trail construction, which could lower the project cost. <br /> Possible Options for Linear Park <br /> 1. Ask Town to Allow Approval and Construction of an Interim Trail (using existing funds — <br /> Option 1)? <br /> 2. Pursue Permanent Greenway Project (perhaps with Town financial assistance <br /> requested - Option 2)? <br /> A recommendation on the type of trail surface for both options will substantially affect cost, and <br /> help inform discussions/negotiations with the Town. <br /> "No-Build" / Deferral Options <br /> 3. Construct Original Trail (Redline Trail) at a Future Date as Shown on Master Plan <br /> (when full funding exists)? <br /> 4. Defer Project to Phase I of the Park (when additional funds exist)? <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the most viable connections from the park south. <br /> Dave Stancil said that Carrboro has hired a firm, Greenways, Inc., to look at making the <br /> connection from the existing greenway to this point. One alternative would be to connect to <br /> some property that Orange County owns, which is five acres from Lake Hogan Farms. The <br /> second alternative would be to use the existing Lake Hogan Farm Road. <br /> Dave Stancil continued explaining the issue paper. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she likes the idea of the paved trail but there is a <br /> safety issue. She liked the way that they moved toward the foot path near the stream because <br /> it is already cleared. She said that she would love to see some kind of trail there, and she <br /> would lean towards the paved one because it would be used more, but she worries about the <br /> safety issue and children walking by themselves in a secluded area. <br /> Dave Stancil said that signage would be a key issue, especially if there was not a trail <br /> that connected. <br />
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